Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Communications engineering


We train telecommunications engineers that will be able to take any jobs in the field of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). After graduation, our students normally find a job in Italy or abroad within the next month, or they prolong their education through the PhD programmes offered at our University.

A telecommunication engineer is able to design, implement and manage telecommunication devices, systems, networks and services. Moreover, a solid background in telecommunications can be very helpful in many other jobs and professional positions: about 50% of the telecommunications engineers who graduated from the University of Bologna find a job in companies not belonging to the field of telecommunications.

The two years you will spend pursuing your Master's degree will really shape your professional future. We are aware of that and looking forward to taking on such a responsibility.

Career opportunities

Nowadays, telecommunications are pervasive, applying to all products of modern life. A telecommunication engineer is able to design, implement and manage telecommunication devices, systems, networks and services. Moreover, a solid background in telecommunications can be very helpful in many other jobs and professional positions: about 50% of the telecommunications engineers who graduated from the University of Bologna find a job in companies not belonging to the field of telecommunications.

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Find out more about the Ministerial Single Annual Report (SUA-CdS - Single Annual Report on Degree Programmes)

Corso di Telecommunications Engineering - codice 9205
Professional profiles professional profile OCCUPATIONALPROFILE: Telecommunications Engineer FUNCTION INA PROFESSIONAL CONTEXT: The 2ndcycle degree programme in Telecommunications Engineering… Read more