Lectures are held mainly in:
School of economics and management, in Piazza Scaravilli
Filopanti Room in Viale Filopanti, 5 - Bologna.
Bigiavi room, in Via Belle Arti ( in the library)
The School hosts four computer cluster for both class use and for private study:
Lab Scaravilli, Piazza Scaravilli 2, 1st floor (77 seats)
Lab G, Via Ranzani 1, 1st floor (43 seats)
Lab T, Via Ranzani 1, 1st floor (18 spots)
Lab PT, Via Ranzani 1, Ground floor (10 spots)
Equipment: thin client workstations, data projector, possibility of laptop cabling, visual presenter, handheld mics and headsets available upon request, internet, printer (to be used with top-up cards). The software installed are those required in those modules that need computer lab use (e.g. Statistics, Econometrics, Mathematics of operations research). Other software may be installed upon teachers' request.
Staff assistance:
-Management of the School’s internal network;
-Server and equipment maintenance;
-Softtware installation and management;
-Support on digital signature application.
Study Rooms
-3 study areas in the Piazza Scaravilli 2 building (1st and 2nd floor);
-1 study area in via Belle Arti 41, ground floor;
-1 small room for study groups (max. capacity: 8) in via Belle Arti 41, 1st floor. This room needs to be reserved at least one day in advance at the Via Belle Arti 41 reception desk or sending an email to anna.cirillo@unibo.it.
Study areas in the Departmental libraries are also available, as well as many other study areas around Bologna and the other university and city libraries.
Our degree programme activities use the Department Library.
The University of Bologna offers an extensive network of structures, library and document reference services. In particular, you can use the facilities of the humanities sector and the libraries covering law, economics and political sciences and social sciences.
See the complete list of University libraries.
Libraries affiliated to the School of Economics, Management and Statistics are:
Library and documentary services, a teaching and research aid
Library W. Bigiavi
Library of the Department of Management
Library of the Department of Statistics "Paolo Fortunati"
Library of the Department of Economics
Lectures are held mainly in: