Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Innovation and Organization of Culture and the Arts

GIOCA activities during the year

GIOCA organizes field trips for students. Besides, students participate in conferences, projects and they actively organize many networking events.

GIOCA seminar


Thanks to a complete renovation of technological equipment of UniBo, GIOCA organizes seminars online and in presence to host important guests from internationals universities and cultural organizations. Among them we are glad to have GIOCA Alumni that reconnect to their Master's Degree and can share their experience from students to cultural industries professionals.

Click here to read more about it.

Some examples from the year 2020/2021: Jeffrey Johnson (Director of the School of Architecture at University of Kentucky College of Design, USA), Francesco Sirano (Director of Ercolano archaeological site, Italy), Matteo Plachesi (Head of Marketing and Membership at Frieze, UK - GIOCA Alumnus), Elena Girelli (Fundraiser at Italian Youth Association for UNESCO, Milan, IT - GIOCA Alumna), Guy Borlée (Coordinator of Cinema Ritrovato Festival, Bologna, IT). 


In compliance of current health situation, during courses, GIOCA organizes several field trips to visit cultural institutions, museums, theatres, arts galleries in Bologna or travelling to other cities such as Turin, Florence, Venice, Rome, Forlì, Parma, Trento, Ferrara, Milan...

During the visits, students have the opportunity to meet professionals and cultural managers. 


Students are encouraged to join conferences and workshops related to Arts Management in Italy and Europe.

Some examples: Art Lab by Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, ENCATC network annual conference, Forum d'Avignon, the Arts And Cultural Management Conference For Students And Young Professionals.



A group of GIOCA students propose a format of live music performance - already incredibly successful in US and UK, for the first time in Bologna. A simple but revolutionary concept: the event consists of a stage, a few microphones, an audience and artists from the community to serve as both performers and members of the audience. The Open Mic offers opportunities for those musicians who look for an opportunity to experience a live audience as well as for the students involved, who learn hands-on how to organize and manage live event shows. 

The first event was held in November 2011 and, since then, almost every month an Open Mic night is organized with great success! Also during 2020 lockdown, the team has been able to shift the events towards an online modality, without losing the community created around it during the years. 

2022 edition of OpenMic has been held at the prestigious Bravo caffè and during summer will be at Dumbo.

Check out the GIOCA Open Mic FACEBOOK page


- On 2014 and 2015 GIOCA students contributed to the organization of the Open Day for International Programs of UNIBO. 

Watch our video: UNIBO Open Day Highlights

- On 2012, GIOCA joined the project ALL_Allemandi Giovani a Bologna developed by Umberto Allemandi & C. società editrice publishing “il Giornale dell’Arte” and “The Art Newspaper”. Students and professors receive each month few copies of the “il Giornale dell’Arte” and of “The Art Newspaper” that can be used for didactic activities.

- PECHAKUCHA Nights: A group of students has organized a series of events based on the PechaKucha Night (PKN) format. The event was an opportunity to network amongst students and alumni and share their ideas, works and future projects.