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Call for the selection of no. 2 temporary research associate positions for the project RAMSETE (Rfid in Ambito MuSeale per un'Esperienza inTErattiva)

Research grants will be funded on the POR FSE TOSCANA 2014-2020 resources in the frame of the Regione Toscana project Giovanisì, aiming to enhance young people’s autonomy.

Published on 03 February 2020

The University of Pisa announces the public selection, assessed by qualifications and interview, for the assignment of n. 2 grants for research activities (hereinafter referred as “research grants”).

Research grants will be funded on the POR FSE TOSCANA 2014-2020 resources in the frame of the Regione Toscana project Giovanisì ( ), aiming to enhance young people’s autonomy.