The online Study Plan can be submitted online by students regularly enrolled in the Master Program with active career (having paid all tuition fees and, for Non EU students, holding a regular permit of stay).
Students can complete the Study Plan on Studenti On-Line in the following two periods:
1st period:
- September 30th - October 20th, 2024 (teaching activities among the so called "transversal competences" of UNIBO project, may be selected starting from October 10, 2023);
- December 2nd - December 12th, 2024 (ONLY for enrolling students or students transfering from another university);
2nd period (for changes):
- January 14th - February 21th, 2025
Enter your Studenti On-Line page
Choose Teaching Activities and press the Save button before quitting the programme.
It is possible to change your Study Plan by adding or deleting courses. Please make sure that all the courses/teaching activity you are attending are included in your online study plan!
Please note that:
- if a graduating student changes the Study Plan in the a.y. 2019/20, he/she will NOT be allowed to graduate in March 2020 (third graduation session on time);
- it is NOT allowed to take exams of elective courses before the academic year in which these activities are planned in your course plan;
- it is NOT possible to fill in the Study Plan outside the two above mentioned periods.
Students on international mobility
Students on a study exchange abroad (Erasmus or other opportunities) must complete the Study Plan online ONLY for those courses/activities NOT included in the Learning Agreement.