The year was 2012 when the first reunion took place...
GIOCA is getting old and during its history we haven't missed the opportunity to celebrate with some very special reunion events.
The much-anticipated 20th Anniversary of our Alumni Community was a remarkable milestone that brought together over 150 passionate individuals on Saturday, May 13, 2023 at Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna. Like the Gioca name, the activities did plenty of ‘Innovation’ this year, ‘Organization’ well in the topic of ‘Culture’ and ‘Art’. From the
panel discussion to the ‘World cafè’, guided tours of MAMbo to the open-mic. It was a day of meaningful connections, knowledge sharing, envisioning a brighter future, and an extraordinary event that celebrated the enduring bonds and achievements of our alumni community.
This event was organized with the support of AMA, Association Almae Matris Alumni
More than 120 Alumni, students and professors met on Saturday, October 8, 2016 at Opificio Golinelli. The day saw a succession of interventions by Italian and international guests, and Alumni professionally engaged in the many aspects of the cultural and creative sector who shared their experiences, future prospects and inspired new students. Meet, Share & Connect were the three key words of the day, which was also dedicated to the launch of a first initiative to strengthen the Alumni community as an integral part of the course's educational and placement offerings.
The first reunion happened February 21st 2012 in Biblioteca d'Arte e Storia di San Giorgio in Poggiale. It involved talks over the Arts Management teaching and the history of our program. Among the guests we had Kathryn Heidemann, director Master Arts Management, Carnegie Mellon University, Tilman Seebass, professor from University of Innsbruck and President of the International Musicological Society.