Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Tourism Economics and Management

About exams

Exam session

The exam dates are available in the Academic Calendar.

All teaching activities have 3 sessions of exams:

  • Two exam sessions at the end of the semester when classes take place;
  • One retake exam session, in September       


  • Students can sit an exam only if they are regularly enrolled (payment of the annual tuition fees must be done according to the official deadlines), and if the exam is included in the student's study plan. In any case, the exam cannot be sat prior to the end of the relevant course unit, with reference to the enrolment year.
  • The exam may consist in a oral, written or practice/lab test. The tests may take place individually or in groups. A group examination or test must assure the recognition and possibility to evaluate each candidate's contribution, relating to the implementation of specific projects, established and assigned by the professor in charge of the learning activity, or to the participation in research initiatives or experiments. In all cases, these activities aim to assess the student's knowledge and skills characterising the activity included in the curriculum.
  • Oral exams are open to the public, while for the other exam methods the School shall ensure appropriate forms of publicity. 

Exam evaluation and registration

  • For all study programmes the exams involve an evaluation which is expressed as a grade of out of 30, as duly registered on electronic record-book. An exam is deemed to be passed successfully if the final grade is equal to or higher than 18/30. In the event of a full grade (30/30), the Examination Board may grant honours (lode - cum laude).
  • In the cases provided by the degree programme regulations, the grade may simply be expressed on a pass/fail basis.
  • A combined course unit (with a final exam composed of more learning activities or modules) provides for a single joint evaluation.
  • Learning credits are awarded only after having successfully passed the course unit exam or other assessment.
  • An exam or other test already registered with a positive grade cannot be repeated.
  • A negative evaluation does not imply the allocation of a grade or mark, but merely an evaluation reported on the records (either "Withdrawn" or "Failed"): this evaluation is not included in the curriculum and does not affect the average of the final grade.
  • The digital records, filled in by using the AlmaEsami system, must be completed by adding the digital signature of the Chairman of the Examination Board and the names of the member of the Board no later than 5 days following the exam or test date, or in the case of a written exam or test, within five days of the date of publication of the results.

Exam list submission

Exam lists are available on AlmaEsami. You need to log in and follow instruction.

  • LIST OPENING: 15 days before exam date
  • LIST CLOSING: 4 days before exam date h. 24

After before/these terms students cannot add the name on the exam list, nor can the administrative office.

Professors for non-operative courses

Codice Course Professor 2022/2023
76565 Innovation in cultural tourism (I.C.) Battilani P.