Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Tourism Economics and Management

Grading System

Students' performance is assessed in a variety of different ways (written and oral exams, short essays, lab projects, oral presentations). The type of assessment is defined by the teacher in charge of each course unit (for example, it can be a written or an oral test, it may include midterm assessments, homework, class presentations and essays).

Exams are marked with a grade between 0 and 30, plus, possibly, Laude. The minimum passing grade is 18/30. Passed exam marks (with a mark equal to or higher than 18) are automatically registered, unless the teacher previously states differently. If a student fails an exam, he/she has the opportunity to retake it in a following date.

Starting from 2014/15, for each course units there are three exam dates during the academic year: the first one is right at the end of the teaching semester. The second one is scheduled in the Winter session for course units scheduled in the first semester or in the Summer Session for course units scheduled in the second semester. Finally, the third exam date is scheduled in September. Coordination ensures that, in the same week, there are no exam dates for course units of the same academic year.

Seminars (3 CFU) do not have a grade, but only a "pass" mark. On completion of all exams and seminars (105 CFU), the average mark (weighted by the number of CFU of each course unit) is transformed out of 110 points (for example, an average mark of 27/30 is equivalent to 99/110). On top of that mark,  additional points can be added as stated on the appointed webpage