Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Tourism Economics and Management

Internship for final examination

Internship for final examination are learning activities that allow students to obtain part of the credits associated with their Final examination, while also acquiring practical skills and making initial contact with the world of work.

Internships are carried out on the basis of an agreement between the University of Bologna and the Host Structure (company, public body, professional firm etc.) and an internship programme signed by the parties concerned.

Who is eligible

Students are eligible for internships, which must be carried out as part of their degree programme.


Unless otherwise established by national or European regulations, internships normally have a duration of 25 hours for every University educational credit assigned to them in the course structure diagram for the degree programme. Internships must be completed within 12 months of their start date.

If the internship is an optional activity, once you have included it in your study plan, you can carry it out starting from the year in which it is contemplated.

The 12 credits for the internship for final dissertation are part of the 15 credits students would gain anyway for the thesis.

Internship type Duration CFU/ECTS



12 ECTS out of 15

How to submit the request

  1. Select your final thesis supervisor: keep in mind, the final thesis must be related to the internship project, in other words, the final thesis (and supervisor) selection must precede the decision to submit the request of "internship for final thesis" option.
  2. The company where to serve the internship must be clearly related to the topic of the final dissertation.
  3. Fill in the the request form "internship for final thesis", as approval of the agreement with your supervisor, before the beginning of the internship.

How to choose the Company

Internships may be carried out in University structures or externally, either in Italy or abroad.
You can consult the list of structures that hold agreements with the University and/or internship offers already published on Tirocini online.
If none of the offers meet your interest, you can submit a spontaneous application to be approved and, ask the Structure to publish an offer addressed to you (known as “ad personam” offer), via the University's internship application. In case the Host Structure does not have an agreement with the University, you may ask the structure to sign the agreement with the University of Bologna by registering at

The internship administrative procedure can start when the agreement is confirmed.

How to activate an internship

Upon confirmation of the request for "internship for final examination" (How to submit the request above) students can apply via the Tirocini online 
Before submitting the online applicantion, students have to agree the Internship programme with the University Tutor/ Supervisor and the Host Contact Person, as follows:

  • identify the structure where to carry out the internship project
  • define learning objectives and activities
  • plan the time lines to achieve them

The application must be submitted and accepted by the Company, at least 10 working days before the beginning of the internship, in order to check and approve the required documents (in August you should consider 20 working days in advance).

The internship program must be approved by the Company, and then you will receive an e-mail where you are asked to accept or deny or change the internship programme.  

Approval of the internship

Applications will be submitted to the competent Internship Committee, which must authorise their activation. Students must download their attendance register before commencing their Internship.
The Internship can be carried out in the period in between the start and end dates shown on the attendance register.

During the internship

During the internship, you must keep in contact with your University Tutor (in this case thesis Supervisor), to whom you can refer to for any support or advice you may need on how to carry out your activities, and you must record your daily activities in the attendance register.
The Internship hours must be recorded during the period between the start and end dates shown on the attendance register. 
Before leaving the Host Structure, make sure that the attendance register is countersigned by the Host Contact Person.

Withdrawal, interruption, suspension of the internship

If you intend to withdraw from or interrupt your internship for reasons that do not allow further continuation, you must notify the office below, stating your reasons to Internship office.

If in the internship period you have to leave due to an exam, for vacation, illness, or other reasons, you must communicate your absence and explain the reason both to the company tutor (contact structure) and the Internship Committee, through written notice to the Office Internship (also by fax or e-mail). Is required to make up the days of absence.

What to do at the end of the internship

  • Fill in the date of the  end of internship (online);

  • Upload the Daily booklet (diary) duly completed, stamped and signed in all its parts;

  • Upload your final report: the student must draw up a report on plain paper, for each period of internship (see facsimile of the Final Report of the Student).

  • Fill in the assessment questionnaire

Hand written or incomplete final reports will not be accepted. 

The Internship Office will transfer the request to the Internship Committee for their final approval. Students who have special requests, like graduation or schoalrship deadlines must plan their own training well inadvance and, eventually, submit an official request to the Internship Commitee in due time.

Insurance cover

The University of Bologna guarantees insurance cover for students against accidents at work and third-party liability claims. These policies are written by insurance companies that specialise in the sector.
In the event of travel to locations or structures not indicated in the approved curricula internship programme, you can request an extension of the insurance cover - even during the internship - on condition that the travel concerned is consistent with the objectives of the internship.Online courses on health and safety are compulsory for all students.