Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Tourism Economics and Management

Preparing the study plan

Information on how to prepare and present a study plan.

What is a study plan?

The study plan is the complete set of exams that you need to sit in order to graduate. Some exams are compulsory, while others are elective.

Who can submit the study plan?

A study plan can be submited by properly enrolled second year students, who have paid their tuition fees and, in the case of international students, who hold a valid residence permit.

When to submit the study paln?

You can present and amend your study plan in two periods during the academic year. 

The open windows for the academic year 2023/2024  are:

  • ​from  09 to 30 September 2024*
  • from 20 January to 14 February 2025

After the deadlines, the last study plan submitted will be deemed valid and no further amendments may be made.

Importat! If you do not submit any elective in due time (when you are still a regular student - in corso), you will NOT be able to graduate within your second year as regular student (in corso). In this case you have to submit hard copy of your request at the Student Administrative Office (Segreteria Studenti) .

*You are kindly invited to submit your study plan in the first term, for any teaching activities taking place in the first semester, or you will not be able to sit the exam in winter session.

How to submit your study plan

Studenti Online

The study plan can be submitted via Studenti Online by enrolled students who, accessing the website using their University usernames and passwords:
- need to add electives to their study plan;
- need to choose the electives from study plan;
- need to amend choices made in prior years.

After making the desired choices, remember to click on “save” so that your study plan can be presented correctly.

It is also advisable to print a copy of your completed study plan. This copy is in fact the only way to check for formal or substantive errors that might arise after uploading your study plan.

Approval of your study plan

If you select electives from the list offered by the degree programme, your plan is approved automatically and uploaded to your record.

On the other hand, if you want to choose electives not specifically offered by your degree programme, approval/denial will be decided by the Study Plan Committee.

Should you miss the deadlines, you will not be able to graduate before March of the academic year when the study plan has been submitted, thus you will not graduate in due time! Only in this case you will have to submit your study plan with the support of the Students Administrative Office (Segreteria Studenti). 

Core courses

Given the inter-disciplinarity of tourism, TEaM graduates will develop: 

  • strong and independent skills in economics and management, jointly with knowledge of law and quantitative methods, which will allow them to analyse the dynamics of tourism markets and firms and enabling them to work in a managing position;
  • advanced study methods and learning abilities which will allow them to continue the study in a Ph.D. or enabling them to produce independent analysis.

Hence, students will be prepared for market analysis, territorial planning, analysis of tourism flows, strategic and destination management, sustainable and ethical tourism and cultural heritage policies.

See course units below.


 First year students have no choices to make.

Second year students will choose 12 CFU/ECTS  among the course units offered in the current academic year. 

Crash courses

Crash courses are fully integrated into the official timetable, although they do not give any credit. Topics are related to core courses, in order to provide basic knowledge to all students in Economics, Mathematics and Statistics.