Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Tourism Economics and Management

Recognition request for extra curricular activities

Request for recognition of work or extra-curricular activity replacing the curricular internship.

Should students carry out extra-curricular/ work activities, over the years they are regularly enrolled on the course, and these activities are coherent with TEaM learning outcomes, they can request the recognision of such work or extra- curricular activities to replace the curricular internship, subject to prior approval of the Director of TEaM programme.

An extra-curricular activity is a work activity (excluding entrepreneurial or assimilated self-employee activities) such as an internship activated independently through recognized institutions or promoting bodies other than the University (e.g.: The Employment Agency accredited Ministry of Labor). Regular work activities like the case of student-worker or seasonal jobs are excluded and cannot be considered substitute curricular internship.

It is possible to apply for the recognition at any time of the year, and no agreement between the university and the host institution is required.

In case of internship as elective activity, it has to be included in the study plan before applying.

Like any internship, it is not possible to apply for activities carried out at companies if the owner, the manager, the partner and the director is a relative of the student, within the second grade (Family ties).

Before starting the application process for the recognition, the student must receive formal approval from the Director of the Programme. Upon prior approval, the student can send the required documents to the Students Administrative Office via regular mail: Università di Bologna, Campus di Rimini via Cattaneo, 17- 47921 Rimini.

Required documents: 

  • Formal approval of the Director of the Programme;
  • Request for the recognition of University credits for extra curricular activities with duty stamp for 16,00€ (see attachments);
  • Certificate of working activity/ other extra-curricular activity (see attachments);
  • Student's report (see attachments in Curricular internship section)
  • Further attachments as listed in the request for the recognition of University credits for extra curricular activities (above)

The request for recognition is evaluated by the Council of the Programme, in accordance with the Internship Commission. The outcome of the evaluation is notified by the Student Administrative Office within 60 days from the submission of the request. In case of a positive outcome, the internship is registered in the career without meeting the student.

    For any information regarding recognition, please contact the Internship Office.