Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Tourism Economics and Management

Tax Code desk for students and international teaching staff

A help desk from which University students and international teaching staff may obtain an Italian Tax code

Bologna University students and international teaching staff who need an Italian tax code may apply to the Right to Study Office (Settore Diritto allo Studio), using the form they can download froms the website of "Agenzia delle Entrate" (Italian Revenue Agency).

University staff will field these applications and inform applicants of the date when they may collect their Tax Code, as issued by the Inland Revenue Office.

Besides the completed and signed application form, they will need to show the following documents:

  • For Italian or EU citizens, the applicant’s identity document;
  • For non-EU subjects:
    - A valid passport with entry visa stamped no earlier than 90 days before;
    - Or a valid stay permit, or receipt of application for one, complete with photo; if their stay permit has expired but they have applied for a renewal at least 30 days before the expiry date, they also need to present the receipt of payment (bollettino postale);
    - Or the applicant’s certificate of identity and photo, issued by their country’s consulate or embassy in Italy.

The Tax Code application form may also be presented by proxy (18 yrs +). In this case the proxy must show his/her own proof of identity as well as a copy of the delegating party’s document.

For information and contact feel free to apply to the following addresses:

-  tel. 0541 300115
- e-mail: