Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Tourism Economics and Management

Anti-plagiarism control - COMPILATIO

Details on the anti-plagiarism software (COMPILATIO) for the thesis (Only for Second Cycle Degree Students)

Guarantee of originality

This service is provided by the University of Bologna and is used to verify the originality of the documents produced for the final examination, supporting the verification activities which are normally carried out by the supervising professor with the Turnitin computer programme. 

How it works

The service identifies any similarities between the analysed text and the referred database, calculating a percentage value of the whole document comprising the set of all the identified parts. The threshold for Master's Degree programmes in Rimini is 45%.
A professor who sees that such threshold has been exceeded informs the student of the anomalies detected in the text and guides them in making the most appropriate corrections.
To be allowed to present their dissertations for discussion, the students must follow the instructions given by the professor and ensure that the dissertation complies with requirements.

The deadline to upload the thesis file is in Deadline and Schedule section.

The inspection results will be provided via e-mail to the supervisor. Only candidates who do not fulfill the antiplagiarism control will be informed the working day after the deadline.

For more details see also Anti-plagiarism control system

Graduating students are requested to upload the thesis, within the deadlines indicated, at the following link: by pushing the button “I hand in a document to my teacher” and follow the instructions on screen.

Only candidates who do not fulfill the antiplagiarism control will be informed in due time.