Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Tourism Economics and Management

UNWTO - Tedqual Certification

TEAM has been certified with the UNWTO Tedqual certification

The School of Economics and Management is proud to announce that the Master degree in Tourism Economics and Management (TEaM) has received the quality assurance certificate  Ted.Qual granted by UNWTO and THEMIS Foundation for the period 2019/2023. TEDQUAL, the most important certification for higher educational programmes in tourism studies worldwide, aims at improving the quality of tourism education, training and research programmes.

Since the Univeristy of Bologna is an affiliate member of UNWTO, our students can apply to selections for internships opportunities at UNWTO or to other initiatives promoted by UNWTO and Themis Foundation. 



First International Meeting of the UNWTO.TedQual Students´ Advisory Board (Bournemouth, United Kingdom 4-6 September 2013)