Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Innovation and Organization of Culture and the Arts

GIOCA: Erasmus + Study and International mobility

GIOCA promotes and encourages international mobility both for incoming and outgoing students attending arts and cultural management masters and university programs.


GIOCA-enrolled students will profit from the possibility to spend a period of study abroad within the following programs:


The Erasmus+ programme enables you to carry out part of your University curriculum, between three and twelve months, in a participating host country. With "Erasmus student status" you can attend degree programmes, sit exams and obtain recognition.

During the period spent with the partner University you will carry out the activities, agreed with the teacher who proposed the exchange, that were approved by the Degree Programme Board before your departure. You will also benefit from a grant and obtain recognition for the learning activities completed and exams sat.

The call for applications, containing the procedures and deadlines, as well as all admission requirements, can be found on the University Portal.

When the calls for applications for Erasmus+ Study Mobility are open, visit your AlmaRM profile to see the exchange offers available to you, based on your Degree Programme. 

GIOCA shares key international relationships with important European universities. The following total-matching Erasmus agreements are reserved for GIOCA students within other Post-Graduate Programs in Arts Management in Europe.


The exchange agreement between Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College, Pittsburgh and GIOCA allows two students per year from the University of Bologna  to study at the Heinz College Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh – MAM campus for one semester (August – December).

This program is an exchange between the two Universities in which NO scholarship is provided; students will continue to pay the tuition fee of their home University but they will be able to use all the facilities of the hosting University and the courses attended during the semester abroad will be acknowledged (following a similar procedure as Erasmus) and registered at the end of the stay.

GIOCA exchange students will attend courses at CMU from August till December of their second year. After completing these exams in Pittsburgh, students will have finished their didactic activities at GIOCA and will be able to begin the internship (students can also find an internship in US and extend their stay in America).

For  more information, contact the Program Coordinator at or visit the CMU website.


A partnership has been established with CAFA - Central Academy of Fine Arts - in Beijng, which encourages an exchange for 4 students per year, both incoming and outgoing, to spend an entire semester at the hosting University.



GIOCA welcomes incoming students (only gradute students) from foreign academic partners to spend a period of stay in Bologna under several programs such as ErasmusOverseas and Erasmus Mundus.

General information for incoming students can be found at the International Relations Office of the University of Bologna and at the International Office of the School of Economics.