Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio

Le opportunità offerte dal titolo multiplo

Atenei Convenzionati


PLEASE NOTE: Although all DD programmes are activated, the number of participating students may vary every year. 

The Dual Degree is offered as an option for students enrolled in the curriculum Earth Resources Engineering. Three joint education Master Programmes are available for ERE students:

- University of Miami

- Université de Liège

- University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland.

Participation in the Dual Degree programme implies attending courses at the University of Bologna during the first year and at the partner University during the second year. The credits achieved at the host University will be recognized on the basis of specific Correspondance Tables. At the end of the programme, students will acquire the Master degree from both the Universities attended (the University of Bologna and the host university). The title will be thus valid in both countries.

Students will pay fees to the University of Bologna both for the first and for the second year.

The participation is reserved to students enrolled at the first year.

The University might provide some fellowships to cover the expenses.

For more information please refer to the dedicated section in the ERE website.