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Film in lingua originale - Serena

04 novembre 2014

Forlì, Multisala Astoria, viale Dell'Appennino n. 313, ore 21.00

“Serena, di Susanne Bier

The year is 1929, and newlyweds George and Serena Pemberton travel from Boston to the North Carolina mountains where they plan to create a timber empire. George has already lived in the camp long enough to father an illegitimate child by young Rachel Harmon but Serena is new to the mountains. Serena will soon show herself to be the equal of any man, overseeing crews, hunting rattlesnakes, even saving her husband's life in the wilderness. Together, the Pembertons ruthlessly kill or vanquish all who fall out of favor. Meanwhile Rachel Harmon struggles to take care of her son, Jacob. When Serena learns that she will never bear a child, she sets out to murder the son George fathered without her. Mother and child begin a struggle for their lives, and when Serena suspects George is protecting his illegitimate family, the Pembertons' intense, passionate marriage starts to unravel.

La Multisala Astoria (Viale dell'Appennino 313, Forlì) programma ogni martedì sera un film in versione originale con sottotitoli in italiano; le proiezioni si svolgeranno alle ore 21:00.

Gli studenti universitari, esibendo il badge alla cassa del cinema, potranno usufruire della tariffa ridotta (ridotto 5,50€, intero 7,50€).