Laurea Magistrale in Scienze storiche e orientalistiche

Ciclo di seminari - Late Trials of Perpetrators in the Soviet Union: between Propaganda, Rule of Law, and Memory

Docente referente: Vanessa Voisin. Valido per l'acquisizione dei CFU 29424-SEMINARI(1) (LM), come Seminari liberi.

dal 24 ottobre 2024 ore 13:15 al 26 ottobre 2024 ore 14:00

Aula Gambi & Aula Capitani (Piazza S. Giovanni in Monte 2) - Aula 1 (Piazza Scaravilli) - MS Teams - Evento in presenza e online


Thursday 24 Oct.

Aula Gambi, Piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2 (1st floor)

13.15 – 13.45 > Welcome and Introduction

  • Vanessa Voisin (UniBO / CERCEC-EHESS Paris) & David Alan Rich (Catholic University of America, Washington DC)

13.45 – 17.00 > Session A

  • Yoram Gorlizki (University of Manchester) - ‘Socialist legality’ after Stalin: ‘law and order’ and the
    tension between the justice agencies and the police authorities, 1956-1959
  • Vanessa VoisinTrials of Soviet perpetrators after the 1955 amnesty: accountability revisited, publicity

Moderator: David Alan Rich

Aula Capitani, Piazza San Giovanni in Monte (ground floor)

17.30 – 19.00 > Book presentation (Teams link to access here)

  • Emilia Koustova (with Alain Blum), Déportés pour l’éternité. Survivre à l’exil stalinien, 1939-1991 (Paris : EHESS-INED, 2024)

Organized with: Toni Rovatti (UniBO), for ‘900 Storie’ (Istituto Parri Bologna)

Moderator: Elena Pirazzoli (Istituto Parri Bologna) [in Italian]

Friday 25 Oct.

Aula Gambi, Piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2 (1st floor)

09.00 – 13.00 > Session B (break ca. 11.00)

  • Dmytro Myeshkov (Nordost-Institut Lüneburg / Universität Hamburg) - Atrocities by and prosecutions of Volksdeutsche Selbstschutz members in Transnistria, post-1955
  • Jasmin Söhner (Research Center for History and Culture of Germans in Russia, Universität Heidelberg) - ZSt Ludwigsburg and Soviet cooperation on German war crimes evidence, 1960-1980
  • Irina Rebrova (Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung / Technische Universität Berlin) - The story of the mass killing of 214 children with disabilities in Yeysk in 1942 in the trials in the USSR and East Germany in the 1960s

Moderator: Irina Makhalova (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)

13.00 – 14.00 > Lunch break

14.00 – 18.30 > Session C (break: ca. 16.00)

  • Roman Podkur (Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine / Commission for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repressions of the Soviet Period, Kyiv) -  The Nationalist Turn of Post-Amnesty Persecutions: The Trial in Chervonoarmiisk (1959) [in Russian]
  • Olena Lysenko (Institute of History, NAN-Ukraine) -  ‘Generations’ of investigations and prosecutions: the case of Chernihiv [in Russian]
  • Irina Tcherneva (Centre national de la recherche scientifique - CNRS, Paris) -  Trial use of documentary films on war crimes in Soviet Latvia, 1961-1971
  • Jared McBride (University of California, Los Angeles) -  Domestic and international messaging: the 1979-80 Dufanets trial in Volyn

Moderators: Anton Weiss-Wendt (Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies, Oslo) & Antonella Salomoni (UniBO) [to be confirmed]

Saturday 26 Oct.

Aula 1, Piazza Scaravilli, Via Zamboni (ground floor)

09.30 – 13.00Session D

  • Emilia Koustova (Université de Strasbourg / CERCEC-EHESS, Paris) -  The postwar Lithuanian Sentencing Review Commission: de-Stalinization, case quantification, and the logic of sentence reversal
  • David Alan RichInflection point in post-1955 karateli trials: the Trawniki cases, 1960s
  • Eric Le Bourhis (Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales - INALCO, Paris) - Trials of Soviet perpetrators after the 1955 amnesty in the Latvian SSR

Moderator: Anton Weiss-Wendt

13.15 > Concluding remarks and next steps

  • Vanessa Voisin & David Alan Rich

Other informations and contacts

This event is financed by the Department of History and Cultures, with additional support from University of Manchester, University of California at Los Angeles, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Université de Strasbourg.

No booking is required, but those wishing to attend are asked to contact Prof. Voisin (, particularly for the 25 October afternoon session, so that they can make arrangements with the language to be used for the meeting.