Laurea Magistrale in Scienze storiche e orientalistiche

Welcome Day for Incoming Exchange Students - 2021/22

The meeting is devoted to students who will follow classes in Bologna (Humanities, Anthropology, Arts, History, Philosophy, Music, Theatre, Cinema, Communication).

16 settembre 2021 dalle 11:30 alle 13:00

Online meeting

Dear exchange students,

we are glad to invite you to the Welcome day on Thursday, September 16th, 2021, at 11:30 am.

The event will take place in virtual mode and will last around one hour and a half.


How to join to the meeting? Access to the present Microsoft Teams link at least 10 minutes before the scheduled starting time, by means of your institutional credentials (

The meeting will be recorded.


Check the instructions to install Microsoft Teams:

We recommend you switch off the Audio and the Webcam during the Meeting.  

The meeting is devoted to those of you who will follow classes in the Bologna Campus, Humanities area.

We will provide you with information on our degree programmes and teaching activities, lesson timetable, teachers, study plan, exams, credits, evaluation system and other useful information. 

See you soon,

Marco Locci & Sara Giulia Milner