Laurea Magistrale in Scienze storiche e orientalistiche

Workshop: ancient Rome as cinescape

Chairs: Dr. Ivo Blom (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam) & Prof. Paolo Noto (UniBO).

dal 25 giugno 2024 ore 17:00 al 26 giugno 2024 ore 19:00

Aula Seminari, DAMsLab (Piazzetta P. P. Pasolini 5/b) - Evento in presenza

Workshop 1: Tuesday June 25, h 17:00-19:00
Reconstructing Ancient Rome

Workshop 2: Wednesday 26 June, h 17:00-19:00
Situating Ancient Rome in the Modern City

Participating students will ask the professor Alessandro Cristofori for a certificate of attendance.