Specific learning outcomes of the Programme
The 2nd cycle degree programme in Architecture and Building Engineering offers solid grounding in mathematics, physics, history, representation and structural engineering.
In particular, the course units in mathematics and physics cover scientific and experimental method, as well as the knowledge required to solve technical problems related to the design of buildings and settlements; those in the history of architecture provide the knowledge required for the historical understanding and critical assessment of works, related to their context and the materials and techniques used; those in the representation of architecture and living spaces cover various aspects of the subject, providing the tools for understanding, developing and communicating design ideas; those in structural engineering provide the skills required for the design, modelling and execution of structures.
Based on this knowledge, the curriculum aims to integrate the traditional methods and techniques of engineering focusing on the design of structural components and building systems, the production and use of materials, environmental control of architectural and urban spaces; as well as those of architectural traditions, concerning design as a synthesis of form, function and construction, the typological, morphological and linguistic features of architectural elements, restoration and redevelopment of buildings and city landscapes.
The contents of urban design and more generally territorial management aim to ensure a coherently interdisciplinary approach to the realities to be understood and transformed, from the perceived form to the physical and social environment, as well as economic feasibility.
The programme includes design laboratories which are indispensable not only to test the acquired knowledge but, similarly to the majority of European countries, to ensure integrated learning, open to dialogue with specialists from different technological and scientific sectors involved in the construction and redevelopment of buildings and settlements.
Admission requirements
Applicants to the degree programme in Architecture and Building Engineering shall hold a five-year secondary school diploma or equivalent suitable qualification obtained abroad, or a four-year secondary school diploma and diploma for the relative supplementary year, or, where no longer active, will be assigned additional learning requirements.
Restricted access
Single cycle degree programmes with restricted access set at national level (pursuant to art. 1 of Italian Law 264/99) are governed by ministerial decree.
The number of places and selection methods are published annually in the relative call for applications.
Knowledge required
Admission to the degree programme is also subject to the possession of strong oral and written Italian language skills, logical reasoning skills, knowledge of and ability to use the main results of elementary mathematics and the foundations of experimental sciences, knowledge of architectural representation instruments.
Basic knowledge is assessed by defining the minimum score for admission to the programme with restricted access, which aims exclusively to check the knowledge required for admission.
Additional Learning Requirements
Students registering with a score of less than the minimum threshold laid down in the call for applications will be assigned additional learning requirements (OFA), learning activities covering the knowledge of those subjects included in the first year course units. Additional learning requirements (OFA) are deemed to be completed by passing a specific exam, the methods and terms of which are indicated in the call for applications. At least three exam sessions are expected to be held for additional learning requirements during the academic year. The deadline for the completion of additional learning requirements is set by the University Bodies and published on the University Portal.
Students not completing the additional learning requirements by the date set will be required to enrol in the same year again as repeating students.