Degree Type
Multiple degree
The degree programme is structured to ensure thatstudents acquire a legal foundation and knowledge, at national and Europeanlevel, of the basic tools needed to update their knowledge, partly by theanalysis of historical information that enables legal institutions to beassessed in the light of their historical evolution. With support from seminarwork, students acquire specific skills and the ability to interpret situations,partly via the application of case study methodologies and techniques thataddress topics helpful for the understanding and evaluation of legal principlesand institutions.
Following a common first year for all students, the nextfour years present a mix of mandatory, semi-mandatory and optional course unitsoutside of the established learning path, that enable students to follow theirown inclinations and interests. The final year, in particular, comprises anumber of optional course units selected from a broad range, some taught inEnglish, as well as the possibility to carry out curricular internships orother elective activities, such as participation in seminars or summer schools,using the unassigned credits available for this purpose.
The above activities provide the institutional trainingrequired for access to the traditional careers, such as notary, lawyer ormagistrate, as well as the guidance needed by graduates entering the world ofwork in the private or public sectors or in the public administration.
The degree programme offers the possibility of studyingabroad, on such exchange programmes as Erasmus or Overseas, or in order toprepare the final dissertation. The supplementary course units available allowthe student to obtain a single-cycle degree in Law combined with a foreigndiploma.
Admission to the single-cycle degree programme in Law,taught in Bologna, requires possession of a secondary school diploma awardedafter five years of study or a foreign qualification recognised as suitable.Additionally, knowledge and competence in the following areas are required:
- Good general education
- Logic and reasoning abilities
- Ability to understand and interpret texts and documents(in Italian)
- Knowledge of basic legal concepts
- Knowledge of a European Union language at A2 level as aminimum
The methods for verifying the knowledge required foradmission are defined in the section on method of admission.
If the results of the test are not positive, additionallearning requirements will be specified. Completion of the learningrequirements is the subject of a separate test.
The testing method is defined in the section on method ofadmission.
Students who do not complete the additional learningrequirements by the date established by the competent bodies and, in any case,by the end of the first year of the degree programme, will be required torepeat their enrolment for that year.