Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Ravenna Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Law


  • Programme type Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico (Single cycle degree/Combined Bachelor and Master - 300/360 ECTS)
  • Place of teaching Ravenna
  • Language Italian
  • Type of access Open access with assessment of basic knowledge - TOLC-SU
  • Degree Programme Class LMG/01 - Law
  • Degree Programme Director Giorgio Spedicato
  • Degree type Double/Multiple degree
  • Department Legal Studies - DSG
  • Learning activities Course structure diagram

Programme aims

The degreeprogramme is structured to train graduates who are “ready” as far as possiblefor the job market. Notwithstanding the access requirements for regulatedprofessions – involving a period of traineeship – the degree programme aims toaccompany general legal theoretical training with more specialist learning(relating mainly to the relationship between law, innovation andsustainability), as well as practical training focusing not only on specificlegal skills and competences (mainly oral and written communication) but alsoso-called cross-cutting skills. For this purpose, there are 8… Read more

Admission requirements

Admission to the single-cycle degree programmein Law, taught in Ravenna, requires possession of a secondary school diplomaawarded after five years of study or a foreign qualification recognised assuitable. Additionally, knowledge and competence in the following areas arerequired: - Strong general knowledge - Logical and reasoning skills - The ability to understand and interpret texts and documents (in theItalian language) - Basic notions of law - Knowledge of a European language to at least CEFR level A2. The methods for verifying the knowledge required for admission aredefined… Read more