The degreeprogramme is structured to train graduates who are “ready” as far as possiblefor the job market. Notwithstanding the access requirements for regulatedprofessions – involving a period of traineeship – the degree programme aims toaccompany general legal theoretical training with more specialist learning(relating mainly to the relationship between law, innovation andsustainability), as well as practical training focusing not only on specificlegal skills and competences (mainly oral and written communication) but alsoso-called cross-cutting skills. For this purpose, there are 8 mandatorylaboratories during the five-year programme, which makes this degree unique inItaly.
After the first year with thesame subjects for all students (including a laboratory on basic legal languageand writing) in the following three years the students can select elective courseunits to tailor their own studies. During the central three years, the studentsare required to attend mandatory laboratories in critical thought and problemsolving, theory and techniques of negotiation and financial statement analysis.In the fifth and final year, the students have the possibility to moredistinctly tailor their studies with the choice of three of four electivecourse units, as well as a curricular internship or (if they meet therequirements) and early traineeship. In the final year, there are three furthermandatory laboratories on advanced legal language and writing, communicationand public speaking and digital transformation. A further mandatory laboratory(on methodology and instruments for legal research and the production of thedissertation) provides the credits needed to sit the final examination.
The above activities provide theinstitutional training required for access to the classic careers, such asnotary, lawyer or magistrate, as well as the guidance needed by graduatesentering the world of work in the private or public sectors or in the publicadministration as public or private law expert.
The degree programme also givesparticular importance to internationalisation. Students are expected to reachlevel B2 in English (or French, German or Spanish) and pass an exam in LegalEnglish, but can also spend periods abroad on exchange programmes such asErasmus or Overseas, or for the preparation of their dissertation.