Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Ravenna Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Law

Course structure diagrams for students enrolled a.y. 2018-19

First Year

Gruppo 1 - Attività formative obbligatorie

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 21/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 2: 22/02/2021 - 21/05/2021 A: 21/09/2020 - 21/05/2021 ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
00230 International Law
No prior requirement is provided for as a condition of attendance of this course.
1 IUS/13 9
84916 Legal Laboratory
Non è prevista alcuna propedeuticità ai fini del sostenimento della prova d'esame
1 3
00385 Philosophy of Law
No prior requirement is provided for as a condition of attendance of this course.
1 IUS/20 9
74773 Private Law
No prior requirement is provided for as a condition of attendance of this course.
1 IUS/01 12
00222 Constitutional Law
No prior requirement is provided for as a condition of attendance of this course.
2 IUS/08 12
24331 History of Medieval and Modern Law
No prior requirement is provided for as a condition of attendance of this course.
2 IUS/19 8
00536 Institutes in Roman Law
No prior requirement is provided for as a condition of attendance of this course.
2 IUS/18 8

Second Year

Gruppo 1 - Attività formative obbligatorie

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 21/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 2: 22/02/2021 - 21/05/2021 A: 21/09/2020 - 21/05/2021 ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
00221 Business Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
A IUS/04 15
00224 Employment Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
A IUS/07 15

Gruppo 2 - Un insegnamento di Economia politica o Diritto finanziario a scelta (9 CFU)

Students must select one of the listed units
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 21/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 2: 22/02/2021 - 21/05/2021 A: 21/09/2020 - 21/05/2021 ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
È prevista la propedeuticità di Diritto costituzionale e Diritto privato ai fini del sostenimento della prova d'esame.
1 IUS/12 9
00256 Economics
È prevista la propedeuticità di Diritto costituzionale e Diritto privato ai fini del sostenimento della prova d'esame.
2 SECS-P/01 9

Gruppo 3 - Insegnamento a scelta (9 CFU)

Deve essere sostenuto uno degli esami relativi ai seguenti insegnamenti. La scelta dovrà essere effettuata al momento della presentazione del piano di studio.
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 21/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 2: 22/02/2021 - 21/05/2021 A: 21/09/2020 - 21/05/2021 ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
00232 Comparative Private Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/02 9
00236 Comparative Public Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/21 9

Gruppo 4 - A scelta dello studente (7 CFU)

Devono essere maturati 7 crediti a scelta tra i seguenti insegnamenti. La scelta dovrà essere effettuata al momento della presentazione del piano di studio.
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 21/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 2: 22/02/2021 - 21/05/2021 A: 21/09/2020 - 21/05/2021 ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
00232 Comparative Private Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/02 9
00236 Comparative Public Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/21 9
87644 DIRITTO DELLE INFRASTRUTTURE E DEI TRASPORTI - Not available for the year  2020/2021
E' prevista la propedeuticità di Diritto costituzionale e Diritto privato ai fini del sostenimento della prova d'esame.
1 IUS/06 7
È prevista la propedeuticità di Diritto costituzionale e Diritto privato ai fini del sostenimento della prova d'esame.
1 IUS/12 9
01261 Family Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/01 7
79548 Foundations of Substantive and Procedural Criminal Law in the field of Immigration Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
78125  Criminal Procedural Law on Immigration 1 IUS/16 3
78126  The 'Foreigner' as a Perpetrator or a Victim of Crimes 1 IUS/17 4
46818 Fundamental Rights
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/08 7
13029 General Procedure Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/15 7
00942 History of Roman Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/18 7
78013 Sociology of Law and Culture
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/20 7
78113 Theory of Justice (Global Justice)
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
78115  Global Justice and International Institutions 1 IUS/13 3
78114  Global Justice, Moral Theory and Metaethics 1 IUS/20 4
77989 Ecclesiastical Cultural Heritage
È prevista la propedeuticità di Diritto costituzionale e Diritto privato ai fini del sostenimento della prova d'esame.
2 IUS/11 7
79549 Migration, Social Change and Labor Law 2
78127  Employment contracts 2 IUS/07 4
79550  Sociology of Migration, Regulation and Criminalization Processes 2 SPS/12 3
00225 Navigation Law - Not available for the year  2020/2021 2 IUS/06 7
78017 Public Security Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 IUS/08 7
03639 Regional Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 IUS/08 7
77978 Sustainable Business and Green Economy
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 SECS-P/01 7

Gruppo 5 - Conoscenze Linguistiche (9 CFU)

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 21/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 2: 22/02/2021 - 21/05/2021 A: 21/09/2020 - 21/05/2021 cfu ? Credits
26337 English Proficiency B2
Non è prevista alcuna propedeuticità ai fini del sostenimento della prova d'esame
1 9
26357 French Proficiency B2
Non è prevista alcuna propedeuticità ai fini del sostenimento della prova d'esame
1 9
26345 German Language Test B - 2
Non è prevista alcuna propedeuticità ai fini del sostenimento della prova d'esame
1 9
84914 Legal English (B2)
Non è prevista alcuna propedeuticità ai fini del sostenimento della prova d'esame
1 9
26351 Spanish Language Test B - 2
Non è prevista alcuna propedeuticità ai fini del sostenimento della prova d'esame
1 9

Third Year

Attività Formative Obbligatorie

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 21/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 2: 22/02/2021 - 21/05/2021 A: 21/09/2020 - 21/05/2021 ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
77981 Legal Computer Science: Regional and Environmental Protection
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 IUS/20 6
00233 Civil Procedure Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
A IUS/15 16
00231 Criminal Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
A IUS/17 16
77979 Product Safety and Safety of Services Civil Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
A IUS/01 13

Insegnamento a scelta (7 CFU)

Deve essere sostenuto obbligatoriamente uno degli esami relativi ai seguenti insegnamenti: la scelta dovrà essere effettuata al momento della presentazione del piano di studi
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 21/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 2: 22/02/2021 - 21/05/2021 A: 21/09/2020 - 21/05/2021 ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
24629 Advanced Constitutional Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 IUS/08 7
00218 Canon Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 IUS/11 7
01879 Comparative Italian Ecclesiastical Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 IUS/11 7

Fourth Year

Attività Formativa a Scelta (14 CFU)

Deve essere sostenuto obbligatoriamente uno degli esami realtivi ai seguenti insegnamenti: la scelta dovrà essere effettuata al momento della presentazione del piano di studi
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 21/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 2: 22/02/2021 - 21/05/2021 A: 21/09/2020 - 21/05/2021 ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
53513 History of Modern and Contemporary Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
A IUS/19 14
24614 Roman Foundations of European Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
A IUS/18 14

Attività Formative Obbligatorie

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 21/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 2: 22/02/2021 - 21/05/2021 A: 21/09/2020 - 21/05/2021 ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
00239 Tax Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/12 9
57802 European Union Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 IUS/14 9
00217 Administrative Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
A IUS/10 18
00815 Criminal Procedure
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
A IUS/16 15

Fifth Year

Attività Formativa a Scelta dello Studente (8 CFU)

Lo studente può scegliere una o più attività formative (Insegnamenti complementari, Attività seminariali, Tirocinio) tra quelle attivate dal Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche nelle sedi di Bologna e Ravenna
1-Attività formativa a scelta (8 CFU)
2- Tirocinio (8 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 21/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 2: 22/02/2021 - 21/05/2021 A: 21/09/2020 - 21/05/2021 cfu ? Credits
15349 Internship - Not available for the year  2020/2021 1 8

Attività Formative a completamento del curriculum (21 CFU)

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 21/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 2: 22/02/2021 - 21/05/2021 A: 21/09/2020 - 21/05/2021 ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
77991 COMUNICAZIONE D'IMPRESA, SICUREZZA E TUTELA DELL'UTENTE - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/01 7
00232 Comparative Private Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/02 9
00236 Comparative Public Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/21 9
11787 Competition Law - Not available for the year  2020/2021
È prevista la propedeuticità di Diritto costituzionale e Diritto privato ai fini del sostenimento della prova d'esame.
1 IUS/04 7
78002 DIRITTO DEL TURISMO E DELLA SICUREZZA DEL VIAGGIATORE - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/01 7
26121 DIRITTO DELL'ENERGIA - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/10 14
77994 DIRITTO DELLA CRISI DI IMPRESA - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/05 7
66143 DIRITTO DELLE ASSICURAZIONI MARITTIME - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/06 7
78015 DIRITTO DOGANALE - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/12 7
È prevista la propedeuticità di Diritto costituzionale e Diritto privato ai fini del sostenimento della prova d'esame.
1 IUS/12 9
78018 DIRITTO GIUSTINIANEO E BIZANTINO - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/18 7
77995 DIRITTO INDUSTRIALE E BIOTECNOLOGIE - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/04 7
78014 DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE DELL'ECONOMIA E DELL'AMBIENTE - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/13 7
78020 DIRITTO PRIVATO COMPARATO DELL'AMBIENTE - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/02 7
87635 DIRITTO PROCESSUALE DELL'IMPRESA - Not available for the year  2020/2021
E' prevista la propedeuticità di Diritto costituzionale e Diritto privato ai fini del sostenimento della prova d'esame.
1 IUS/15 9
78016 FLEXSECURITY NEL DIRITTO DEL LAVORO - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/07 7
01261 Family Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/01 7
79548 Foundations of Substantive and Procedural Criminal Law in the field of Immigration Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
78125  Criminal Procedural Law on Immigration 1 IUS/16 3
78126  The 'Foreigner' as a Perpetrator or a Victim of Crimes 1 IUS/17 4
46818 Fundamental Rights
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/08 7
78121 GIUSTIZIA AMBIENTALE - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
13029 General Procedure Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/15 7
00942 History of Roman Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/18 7
26119 International Contracts and Legal Harmonization - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/02 7
24630 Land, Environment and Governance Law - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/10 7
78006 MEDICINA LEGALE E PSICHIATRIA FORENSE - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 MED/43 7
32608 Private Insurance Law - Not available for the year  2020/2021
È prevista la propedeuticità di Diritto costituzionale e Diritto privato ai fini del sostenimento della prova d'esame.
1 IUS/01 7
77998 SICUREZZA NEL LAVORO - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
78013 Sociology of Law and Culture
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
1 IUS/20 7
78113 Theory of Justice (Global Justice)
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
78115  Global Justice and International Institutions 1 IUS/13 3
78114  Global Justice, Moral Theory and Metaethics 1 IUS/20 4
24629 Advanced Constitutional Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 IUS/08 7
77987 Agricultural and Food Law - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 IUS/03 7
78117 CRIMINOLOGIA E POLITICHE DI SICUREZZA - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 SPS/12 7
00218 Canon Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 IUS/11 7
01879 Comparative Italian Ecclesiastical Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 IUS/11 7
77990 DIRITTO DEI MERCATI FINANZIARI E TUTELA DEGLI INVESTITORI - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 IUS/05 7
77989 Ecclesiastical Cultural Heritage
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 IUS/11 7
07173 Enviromental Economics - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 SECS-P/01 14
39602 Foundations of Legal Reasoning - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 IUS/20 7
81765 History of Commercial and Maritime Law - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 IUS/19 7
79549 Migration, Social Change and Labor Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
78127  Employment contracts 2 IUS/07 4
79550  Sociology of Migration, Regulation and Criminalization Processes 2 SPS/12 3
00225 Navigation Law - Not available for the year  2020/2021 2 IUS/06 7
26120 Public Labour Law - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 IUS/07 7
78017 Public Security Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 IUS/08 7
03639 Regional Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 IUS/08 7
77993 SICUREZZA SOCIALE - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 IUS/07 7
77978 Sustainable Business and Green Economy
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
2 SECS-P/01 7
53513 History of Modern and Contemporary Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
A IUS/19 14
24614 Roman Foundations of European Law
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
A IUS/18 14
77977 Transport, Maritime and Navigation Law - Not available for the year  2020/2021
Student must take the Constitutional Law and Private Law exams before taking this exam.
A IUS/06 14

Prova finale (23 CFU)

Preparazione prova finale all'estero e prova finale (23 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 21/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 2: 22/02/2021 - 21/05/2021 A: 21/09/2020 - 21/05/2021 cfu ? Credits
44525 Final Examination (11 CFU) - Not available for the year  2020/2021 A 11
81355 Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad - Not available for the year  2020/2021 A 12
Preparazione prova finale all'estero, Tirocinio in preparazione della prova finale e Prova finale (23 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 21/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 2: 22/02/2021 - 21/05/2021 A: 21/09/2020 - 21/05/2021 cfu ? Credits
81689 Final Examination (5 CFU) - Not available for the year  2020/2021 A 5
85999 Internship for Preparation for the Final Examination (6 CFU) - Not available for the year  2020/2021 A 6
81355 Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad - Not available for the year  2020/2021 A 12
Preparazione prova finale all'estero, TIrocinio in preparazione della prova finale, TIrocinio prova finale all'estero e Prova finale (23 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 21/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 2: 22/02/2021 - 21/05/2021 A: 21/09/2020 - 21/05/2021 cfu ? Credits
81689 Final Examination (5 CFU) - Not available for the year  2020/2021 A 5
86000 Internship Abroad for Preparation for the Final Examination (6 CFU) - Not available for the year  2020/2021 A 6
85999 Internship for Preparation for the Final Examination (6 CFU) - Not available for the year  2020/2021 A 6
86001 Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad (6 CFU) - Not available for the year  2020/2021 A 6
Preparazione prova finale all'estero, Tirocinio prova finale all'estero e Prova finale (23 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 21/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 2: 22/02/2021 - 21/05/2021 A: 21/09/2020 - 21/05/2021 cfu ? Credits
81689 Final Examination (5 CFU) - Not available for the year  2020/2021 A 5
86000 Internship Abroad for Preparation for the Final Examination (6 CFU) - Not available for the year  2020/2021 A 6
81355 Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad - Not available for the year  2020/2021 A 12
Prova finale classica (23 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 21/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 2: 22/02/2021 - 21/05/2021 A: 21/09/2020 - 21/05/2021 cfu ? Credits
84586 Final Examination - Not available for the year  2020/2021 A 23
Tirocinio preparazione prova finale all'estero e Prova finale (23 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 21/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 2: 22/02/2021 - 21/05/2021 A: 21/09/2020 - 21/05/2021 cfu ? Credits
44525 Final Examination (11 CFU) - Not available for the year  2020/2021 A 11
85998 Internship Abroad for Preparation for the Final Examination (12 CFU) - Not available for the year  2020/2021 A 12
Tirocinio preparazione prova finale e Prova finale (23 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 21/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 2: 22/02/2021 - 21/05/2021 A: 21/09/2020 - 21/05/2021 cfu ? Credits
44525 Final Examination (11 CFU) - Not available for the year  2020/2021 A 11
85997 Internship for Preparation for the Final Examination (12 CFU) - Not available for the year  2020/2021 A 12
Tirocinio preparazione prova finale, Tirocinio preparazione prova finale all'estero e Prova finale (23 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 21/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 2: 22/02/2021 - 21/05/2021 A: 21/09/2020 - 21/05/2021 cfu ? Credits
81689 Final Examination (5 CFU) - Not available for the year  2020/2021 A 5
85998 Internship Abroad for Preparation for the Final Examination (12 CFU) - Not available for the year  2020/2021 A 12
85999 Internship for Preparation for the Final Examination (6 CFU) - Not available for the year  2020/2021 A 6