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Course structure diagrams for students enrolled a.y. 2023-24

First Year

Compulsory Learning Activities

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 01/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 03/03/2025 - 06/06/2025 E: 01/10/2024 - 06/06/2025 P: 07/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 T: 20/11/2024 - 20/05/2025 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
26337 English Language Test B - 2
E' richiesta la competenza liguistica Inglese B1 in ingresso. Per le modalità di accertamento consulta
1 E 6
B2917 Fundamentals of Anatomy and Biology (I.C.) 1
13520  Animal Biology 1 C BIO/05 3
10083  Human Anatomy 1 A BIO/16 8
B2920 Hygiene, Prevention and Health Promotion
Occorre aver acquisito la frequenza di: FONDAMENTI DI ANATOMIA E BIOLOGIA (C.I.)
1 A MED/42 6
84894 Physics, Elements of Mathematics (I.C.) - Not available for the year  2024/2025 1
08234  Elements of Mathematics 1 A MAT/05 6
00405  Physics 2 A FIS/01 6
84887 Plant Biology, Pharmaceutical Botany 1 A BIO/15 9
00130 General Inorganic Chemistry 2 A CHIM/03 9
84888 Acquisition of Computer Skills and Biostatistics Skills E F 5

Second Year

Compulsory Learning Activities

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 01/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 03/03/2025 - 06/06/2025 E: 01/10/2024 - 06/06/2025 P: 07/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 T: 20/11/2024 - 20/05/2025 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
00090 Analytical Chemistry
Propedeuticità: Superamento di Chimica generale ed inorganica
1 A CHIM/01 6
B2820 Medical Microbiology and Vaccines
Propedeuticità superamento di : "Fondamenti di anatomia e biologia (C.I.)"
1 A MED/07 9
00148 Organic Chemistry
Propedeuticità superamento di: "Chimica generale ed inorganica"
1 A CHIM/06 9
B2817 Analysis of Drugs and Health Products I
Per accedere all'insegnamento (lezioni e laboratorio) occorre aver superato l'esame di "Chimica Generale ed Inorganica". Per sostenere l’esame occorre aver superato l’esame di “Chimica analitica”.
2 B CHIM/08 8
B2922 Food and Nutraceutical Chemistry
Per accedere all'insegnamento (lezioni ed esercitazioni) occorre aver superato l'esame di "Chimica generale e inorganica" e aver ottenuto l'attestazione di frequenza di “Chimica analitica”. Per sostenere l’esame occorre aver superato l’esame di “Chimica organica”.
2 B CHIM/10 6
B2819 Fundamentals of Human Physiology
Propedeuticità superamento di: "Fisica, Elementi di matematica (C.I.)"; "Fondamenti di anatomia e biologia (C.I.)". Occorre aver acquisito la frequenza di "Biochimica generale, molecolare e metabolica"
2 A BIO/09 9
B2818 General, Molecular and Metabolic Biochemistry
Propedeuticità superamento di : "FONDAMENTI DI ANATOMIA E BIOLOGIA (C.I.)" Occorre aver acquisito la frequenza di "Chimica organica"
2 B BIO/10 8
31578 Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy
Propedeuticità superamento di "Biologia vegetale, botanica farmaceutica"; Occorre aver acquisito la frequenza di "Fondamenti di Fisiologia umana"
E B BIO/14 6

Third Year

Compulsory Learning Activities

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 01/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 03/03/2025 - 06/06/2025 E: 01/10/2024 - 06/06/2025 P: 07/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 T: 20/11/2024 - 20/05/2025 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
B2821 Analysis of Drugs and Health Products II
PPer accedere all'insegnamento (lezioni e laboratorio) occorre aver superato l'esame di "Chimica organica" ed aver ottenuto la firma di frequenza di "Analisi dei medicinali e prodotti per la salute I". Propedeuticità: " Analisi dei medicinali e prodotti per la salute I".
1 B CHIM/08 8
84896 Applied Medical Biochemistry
Occorre aver acquisito la frequenza di: "Biochimica generale, molecolare e metabolica"
1 B BIO/10 6
00126 Medicinal and Toxicological Chemistry I;
Propedeuticità superamento di "Biochimica generale, molecolare e metabolica"
1 B CHIM/08 9
B2926 General Pathology and Clinical Pathology (I.C.)
Propedeuticità superamento di: "Fondamenti di Fisiologia umana".
07732  Clinical Pathology 2 C MED/05 3
00768  General Pathology 2 A MED/04 7
46193 Pharmaceutical Technology
Propedeuticità superamento di: "Chimica organica"; "Fisica, Elementi di matematica (C.I.)"
2 B CHIM/09 6
84902 General Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy I
Propedeuticità superamento di: "Biologia vegetale, botanica farmaceutica", "Fondamenti di Fisiologia umana" e "Microbiologia medica e vaccini".
E B BIO/14 9

Professional profile (9 CFU)

Lo studente al 3° anno sceglie una delle due attività da 9 CFU
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 01/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 03/03/2025 - 06/06/2025 E: 01/10/2024 - 06/06/2025 P: 07/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 T: 20/11/2024 - 20/05/2025 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
B2866 Nutrition and Dietary Supplements (I.C.)
Propedeuticità superamento di: "Biochimica generale, molecolare e metabolica" e "Chimica degli alimenti e nutraceutica" Occorre aver acquisito la frequenza di "Fondamenti di Fisiologia umana".
2 C
B2867  Food and Supplements Chemistry II 2 C CHIM/10 3
13952  Nutritional Biochemistry 2 C BIO/10 6
B2929 Phytopharmacy: from Nature to Drugs (I.C.)
Propedeuticità: superamento di Chimica Organica, Chimica analitica, Biologia vegetale, Botanica farmaceutica.
2 C
B2930  Phytopharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis 2 C CHIM/08 6
B2931  Sources of Plant Metabolites and Traditional Medicine 2 C BIO/15 3

Fourth Year

Compulsory Learning Activities

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 01/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 03/03/2025 - 06/06/2025 E: 01/10/2024 - 06/06/2025 P: 07/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 T: 20/11/2024 - 20/05/2025 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
11777 Medicinal and Toxicological Chemistry 2
Propedeuticità superamento di "Chimica farmaceutica e  tossicologica I"
1 B CHIM/08 9
B2827 Pharmaceutical Legislation, Deontology and Pharmacy Management (I.C.)
Occorre aver acquisito la frequenza di "Tecnologia farmaceutica"
B3021  Pharmaceutical Legislation and Deontology 1 B CHIM/09 7
B2829  Pharmacy Management 1 C SECS-P/07 3
84923 Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy II
Propedeuticità superamento di: "Farmacognosia e fitoterapia", "Patologia generale e patologia clinica C.I." , "Farmacologia generale e Farmacoterapia I"  e "Chimica Farmaceutica e tossicologica I"
1 B BIO/14 10
B2830 Medicinal Products Customization with Laboratory of Galenic Preparations
Propedeuticità superamento di "Tecnologia Farmaceutica"
2 B CHIM/09 6
03033 Toxicology
Propedeuticità superamento di: "Farmacologia generale e farmacoterapia I". Occorre aver acquisito la frequenza: di "Farmacologia e Farmacoterapia II"
2 B BIO/14 9

Preparation/Internship for the Final Examination (12 CFU)

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 01/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 03/03/2025 - 06/06/2025 E: 01/10/2024 - 06/06/2025 P: 07/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 T: 20/11/2024 - 20/05/2025 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
cfu ? Credits
81354 Internship Abroad for Preparation of the Final Examination 2 E 12
70441 Internship for Preparation of the Final Examination 2 E 12
82271 Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad 2 E 12
84930 Research Methods and Tools for the Elaboration of the Final Dissertation (Library-based, Practical-professional or Experimental) 2 E 12

Professional profile (9 CFU)

Lo studente al 4° anno sceglie una delle due attività da 9 CFU
opzione 1 (max limit 9 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 01/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 03/03/2025 - 06/06/2025 E: 01/10/2024 - 06/06/2025 P: 07/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 T: 20/11/2024 - 20/05/2025 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
B2823 Biological Drugs and Rare Diseases (I.C.)
Propedeuticità superamento di: "Patologia generale e patologia clinica"; "Farmacologia generale e farmacoterapia I"
B2824  Biological Drugs 2 B BIO/14 6
97688  Rare Diseases 2 C MED/38 3
Opzione 2 (max limit 9 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 01/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 03/03/2025 - 06/06/2025 E: 01/10/2024 - 06/06/2025 P: 07/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 T: 20/11/2024 - 20/05/2025 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
B2825 Dermocosmetics (I.C.)
Occorre aver acquisito la frequenza di "Tecnologia farmaceutica" e "Farmacognosia e fitoterapia"
B2826  Formulation and Legislation of Dermocosmetic Products 2 C CHIM/09 3
B2928  Skin Diseases and Specific Treatments 2 B BIO/14 6

Fifth Year

Attività formative a scelta dello studente (9 - 24 CFU)

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 01/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 03/03/2025 - 06/06/2025 E: 01/10/2024 - 06/06/2025 P: 07/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 T: 20/11/2024 - 20/05/2025 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
B2950 Acquisition of Management and Relational Skills 1 D 4
14513 Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology 1 D BIO/14 4
47946 Cognitive Neurophysiology 1 D BIO/09 4
B2949 INVECCHIAMENTO E MALATTIE NEURODEGENERATIVE - Not available for the year  2024/2025 1 D BIO/09 9
47941 Pharmacotherapy of Metabolic Diseases - Not available for the year  2024/2025 1 D BIO/14 4
47942 Physiology of Aging and Longevity 1 D BIO/09 4
Competenze trasversali individuate dal CdS - SOFT SKILLS (max limit 12 CFU)
73387 Creativity and Innovation M - Not available for the year  2024/2025 CT2 D 3
81799 Project Management and Soft Skills M - Not available for the year  2024/2025 CT2 D 3
Information Literacy (max limit 3 CFU)
B2089 INFORMATION LITERACY ED. 1 - Not available for the year  2024/2025 CT1 D 3
B2103 INFORMATION LITERACY IN ENGLISH ed. 1 - Not available for the year  2024/2025 CT1 D 3
B2090 INFORMATION LITERACY ed. 2 - Not available for the year  2024/2025 CT1 D 3
B2091 INFORMATION LITERACY ed. 3 - Not available for the year  2024/2025 CT1 D 3
B2104 INFORMATION LITERACY IN ENGLISH ed. 2 - Not available for the year  2024/2025 CT2 D 3
B2092 INFORMATION LITERACY ed. 4 - Not available for the year  2024/2025 CT2 D 3
B2093 INFORMATION LITERACY ed. 5 - Not available for the year  2024/2025 CT2 D 3
B2094 INFORMATION LITERACY ed. 6 - Not available for the year  2024/2025 CT2 D 3
B2095 INFORMATION LITERACY ed. 7 - Not available for the year  2024/2025 CT2 D 3
B2096 INFORMATION LITERACY ed. 8 - Not available for the year  2024/2025 CT2 D 3

Compulsory Learning Activities

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 01/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 03/03/2025 - 06/06/2025 E: 01/10/2024 - 06/06/2025 P: 07/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 T: 20/11/2024 - 20/05/2025 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
62170 Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacoepidemiology
Propedeuticità superamento di "Farmacologia e farmacoterapia II". Occorre aver acquisito la frequenza di "Tossicologia"
1 B BIO/14 6
B2810 Practical Evaluation Test of Professional Training in Pharmacy 1 E 0
B2834 Technological Aspects of Innovative Medicinal Products and Pharmacy Services (I.C.)
Propedeuticità superamento di: "Tecnologia farmaceutica" Occorre aver acquisito la frequenza di: "Personalizzazione dei medicinali e laboratorio galenico"
B2836  Pharmacy Services 1 C CHIM/09 3
B2835  Technological Aspects of Innovative Medicinal Products 1 B CHIM/09 8
95218 Final Examination 2 E 3

Internship (30 CFU)

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 01/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 03/03/2025 - 06/06/2025 E: 01/10/2024 - 06/06/2025 P: 07/10/2024 - 17/01/2025 T: 20/11/2024 - 20/05/2025 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
cfu ? Credits
B2837 Professional Training in Pharmacy
Il tirocinio deve essere svolto in modo continuativo e a tempo pieno per un periodo non inferiore a 6 mesi e non superiore a 12 mesi, per complessive 900 ore, presso una farmacia aperta al pubblico OPPURE, per 450 ore (min. 3 mesi) presso una farmacia aperta al pubblico e per 450 ore (min. 3 mesi) presso una farmacia ospedaliera. Da espletare secondo il Regolamento di tirocinio. Per poter svolgere il tirocinio bisogna aver acquisito i crediti di “Chimica farmaceutica e tossicologica I”, “Farmacologia generale e farmacoterapia I” e “Tecnologia farmaceutica”, aver acquisito le frequenze di tutti gli insegnamenti del IV anno ed aver superato l'esame di “Legislazione farmaceutica, deontologia e gestione della farmacia (C.I)” ed aver acquisito la frequenza di “Aspetti tecnologici dei medicinali innovativi e Farmacia dei servizi (C.I.)”
2 S 30
B2838 Professional Training in Pharmacy (I.C.)
Il tirocinio deve essere svolto in modo continuativo e a tempo pieno per un periodo non inferiore a 6 mesi e non superiore a 12 mesi, per complessive 900 ore, presso una farmacia aperta al pubblico OPPURE, per 450 ore (min. 3 mesi) presso una farmacia aperta al pubblico e per 450 ore (min. 3 mesi) presso una farmacia ospedaliera. Da espletare secondo il Regolamento di tirocinio. Per poter svolgere il tirocinio bisogna aver acquisito i crediti di “Chimica farmaceutica e tossicologica I”, “Farmacologia generale e farmacoterapia I” e “Tecnologia farmaceutica”, aver acquisito le frequenze di tutti gli insegnamenti del IV anno ed aver superato l'esame di “Legislazione farmaceutica, deontologia e gestione della farmacia (C.I)” ed aver acquisito la frequenza di “Aspetti tecnologici dei medicinali innovativi e Farmacia dei servizi (C.I.)”
2 S
B2839  Professional Training in Pharmacy A (15 CFU) 2 S 15
B2840  Professional Training in Pharmacy B (15 CFU) 2 S 15