Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Pharmacy


Curricular internships are learning activities that allow students to obtain credits contemplated in the course structure diagram of their degree programme, which also allow to acquire practical skills and make initial contact with the world of work.

The information contained on this page may undergo slight changes due to adaptation to the provision of the law of 8th November 2021, n.163 "Disposizioni in materia di titoli universitari abilitanti” and Decreto Interministeriale n. 651 del 5-7-2022 - Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico abilitante alla professione di Farmacista – Classe LM-13”

N.B. The following information are valid for those students enrolled at the course cod. 5987

What is it?  

The practical evaluation internship (TPV) in pharmacy is a compulsory training activity foreseen as part of the single-cycle degree of the LM-13 class, qualifying to practice the profession of pharmacist. 
The practical evaluation internship (TPV) allows to access the practical evaluative test (PPV), to carry out and pass before the final graduation exam.
The activity is included in the fifth-year teaching plan and can be carried out by students who have opted to transfer to the qualifying degree as well as by students who directly enroll in the qualifying degree.

Types of internship included in your Degree Programme

The Course provides with:
B3070 TPV  Evaluation Internship LM: must be carried out continuously and full-time for a period of not less than 6 months and not more than 12 months, totaling 900 hours, at a pharmacy open to the public
B3839    TPV Evaluation Internship LM I.C.30 CFU=15+15CFU: must be carried out continuously and full-time for a period of no less than 450 hours (min. 3 months) at a pharmacy open to the public and for 450 hours (min. 3 months) at a hospital pharmacy. The student may choose to start the internship in a pharmacy open to the public and continue it in a hospital pharmacy and vice versa.

N.B. the student who intends to carry out the internship in a hospital pharmacy must enter B3839 TPV Evaluation Internship LM I.C. in the study plan:

  1. in the windows provided for the presentation of study plans
  2. before submitting a request through SOL Internships

In both cases, the presence in the pharmacy has to be guaranteed during the days when the pharmacy is in service, excluding public holidays.
The internship cannot be carried out in structures in which you have kinship or affinity ties within the second degree with the legal manager, partner or responsible manager.

When to submit your TPV request

You can apply for a curricular internship from the fifth year of the course after having completed all the required prerequisites.
Starting in 2024/25 the following prerequisites will apply to access the internship for all students (including those who enrolled in previous academic years):

  • Having attended the lectures of all the learning activities of the fourth year, as well as the lectures of Toxicology and of Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacoepidemiology
  • Passing the General Pharmacology, Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacotherapy I exam
  • Passing the Pharmaceutical Technology and Galenic Pharmacy exam
  • Passing the Pharmacy Law, Ethics and Regulation I.C. exam

To access the evaluation internship (TPV) students must have acquired a minimum of 160 CFUs. 
Before starting the internship, students must attend the seminars held every year in January.

Professional seminars in view of the curricular Internship from 08 January 2025 at 09:00 to 10 January 2025 at 17:00

Opportunities to carry out the internship

The internship cannot be carried out in host organizations whose legal representative, director or business associate has family ties with the student applicant).

How to find the right opportunity for you

Companies and Institutions that concluded an agreement with the University publish their offers on SOL-Internships

You have the possibility to:
apply to an existing offer;
consult the database of partnered Companies/Institutions in order to send a self-application.

If you need any help to prepare an effective CV, you can contact the Servizio Orientamento Campus di Rimini
In both cases:

  1. you will receive an e-mail with the instructions on how to accept the internship proposal and complete your application;
  2. after the approval of the Internship Board, you will receive another e-mail explaining how to activate your internship;
  3. lastly, download from SOL-Internships the attendance record book, where you will find the authorized period of the internship, which may differ from the original internship offer.

You got in touch with a Company/Institution which is available to welcome you as an intern

Please follow the passages below to activate an internship:

  1. verify that the Company/Institution has an agreement with the University of Bologna; if not please contact the Intership Office;
  2. ask the Tutor of the Host Organization, who will tutor you during the whole duration of the internship, to insert an offer targeted to you in the Internships and Agreements Service
  3. you will receive an e-mail with the instructions on how to accept and complete the internship proposal;
  4. after the approval of the Internship Commission, you will receive another e-mail to complete the activation;
  5. download from SOL-Internship the attendance record book, where you will find the authorized period of the internship, which may differ from the original internship offer.

You want to carry out 450 hours of internship abroad

If you are willing to carry out part of the pharmacy internship abroad you can do so for a duration of no less than 3 months and for no less than 450 hours, by participating in the
Erasmus+ Mobility 
for internship call or, exceptionally and subject to authorization from the Course Council study, through SOL-Internships but without financial contribution (in the latter case you must include in the study plan the B3839 TPV Evaluation Internship LM IC before submitting a request through SOL-Internships).
The internship abroad must be carried out before carrying out the second part of the internship in a pharmacy open to the public in Italy, and can be carried out exclusively in a pharmacy of one of the member states of the European Union. 
The student who has carried out part of the internship abroad, upon returning to the campus, will have to complete the missing 450 hours of internship, after submitting a new request for a curricular internship for a duration of no less than 3 months.


What to do during the internship

Before starting

You must always contact the Academic Tutor for an introductory meeting and to define the procedures for carrying out the internship and completing the attendance register.

During the internship

  • In case of a 900-hour Internship in a pharmacy open to the public, it is necessary to arrange two interviews with the Academic Tutor, the first at the 250th hour and the second at the 650th hour;
  • In the case of combined single cycle degree program from 450 hours in a pharmacy open to the public and 450 hours in a hospital pharmacy, it is necessary to have an interview at the 250th hour for both internships.

During the meetings, the pharmacy Tutor must interrupt the activities so that the student confers with the Academic Tutor. The internship will resume regularly only after the meeting has taken place with a positive outcome. The Academic Tutor will annotate the meetings and their content in the notes field of the attendance register. 
You must fill in your attendance record book with the hours of attendance, according to the authorized period. It is allowed to work no more than 40 hours per week.
You must communicate any variations (ex. suspension, cancellation, etc.) from the approved programme by sending an e-mail to the Internship Office with the Academic Tutor and Tutor at the Host Institution in copy c/c. Should you need to travel to locations not included in the approved programme, you can ask for the extension of the insurance by contacting the Academic Tutor by mail (with the Internship Office and Tutor at the Host Organization in copy c/c) and wait for the authorization.

It is not allowed to modify the activities and objectives of the internship.

During the whole internship period, you are insured against on-work injuries and third-party liability. For further information please consult theInsurance.

What to do at the end of the internship
After completing the internship working hours, please upload in SOL-Internships:

- the attendance record book, duly signed and filled with necessary data;

- fill out the mandatory questionnaire.

After the student has uploaded the attendance register, the Internship Office will check the attendance register, the academic tutor will evaluate the internship and the Internship Commission will verbalize it, without having an interview with the student. 
Only subsequently the student will be able to take and pass the PPV on the scheduled dates. The student is required to upload the documentation to the internship application. To find out more about the activities covered by the PPV, consult the TPV program with the verification topics (see ‘Further information’ box).

Safety training
The host pharmacy is responsible by law for health surveillance and safety training but students can still take the courses provided by the University in e-learning mode Module 1 - General Safety and Health training and Module 2 - Specific Safety and Health training (part I) by connecting to the Safety and Learning Service platform for carry out additional face-to-face training courses, if requested by the teaching structure to which they belong.




Tel: +39 0541 434 247

Address: via Cattaneo, 17 (secondo piano), 47921 – RIMINI