Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Rimini Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Pharmacy


Unique in the Italian context for its catalogue of courses and for being a degree programme taught entirely in English, the international title of Pharmacist is spendable throughout the EU, offering the opportunity to operate in an international dimension to work in the supply chain of pharmaceuticals and health care products. The programme includes a curricular internship and possible experience abroad.

What will you study?

Th programme includes teachings ranging from chemistry to biology, from anatomy to human physiology with a progressive deepening over the five years until medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology and pharmaceutical technology are addressed. The proposal is enriched with teachings in bioethics, first aid, digital health, and pharmaceutical and clinical care.

Experiences abroad

As part of the experiences abroad, the programme offers the opportunity to do internships at host institutions in other countries, participate in exchange programs and do research for the final dissertation abroad. These experiences offer direct contact with different work realities on a global scale, providing a real advantage in the international job market.

Build your own future. This is what you can do with this degree.

5 reasons to enrol on the degree programme

You become an expert of the well-being and a leading referral specialist for people’s health.

This is a tailor-made programme that takes place on a dynamic campus and in a fascinating city like Rimini.

The degree programme in Pharmacy is the meeting point for drug, health, biological, chemical, and technological sciences.

It educates the students directly to work as Pharmacists and to face the different international realities of other European countries.

It offers several job opportunities in the supply chain of the drugs and health products.

The laboratories

Our laboratories enable you to try out the knowledge you have acquired. They represent a point of reference for your learning activities.

The study rooms

The Degree Programme makes various study rooms available for your use, whenever you want.

The computer rooms

Several ICT laboratories and a Virtual Lab are available at the Campus of Rimini

The Campus

Our Campus in the city centre of Rimini, easily reachable from the train station.

Keep in touch

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