Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Primary Teacher Education

Primary Teacher Education

Programme aims

Specific learning outcomes of the Programme The degree programme in Science of PrimaryEducation is structured as a single curriculum without division into options.It aims to provide advanced theoretical and practical training in the subjects– psycho-pedagogy, teaching methodology, technology and research – that concernthe professional profile of a pre-school and primary school teacher. Thecurriculum contains prescribed course units covering theory and teachertraining for the levels of schooling mentioned. It also provides specifictraining in handling and integrating cases of special needs… Read more

Admission requirements

Admission requirements Access requirements to the Programme Access requirements and assessment thereof 1. Admission to the degree programme, as perart. 6, para. 2, of Decree 10 September 2010, n. 249, is subject to possessionof a five-year secondary school diploma or suitable equivalent qualificationobtained abroad, or a four-year secondary school diploma and diploma for therelative supplementary year, or where this is no longer active, studentsadmitted will be assigned additional learning requirements. 2. Another knowledge requirement is thatstudents should have skills in… Read more