Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Veterinary Medicine

Extramural practical training in Exotic pets

The activity takes one day within the trimester of CCT of companion animals and horse reproduction and it takes place at an external veterinary clinic specialized in exotic pets, under the supervision of an external tutor.

Before going to the external veterinary clinic, the student is required to complete the Extramural Clinical Core Training (CCT) project and signed by Prof. Federico Fracassi.

On the day of the activity, Dr. Giordano Nardini has to sign the Extramural CCT project.

At the end of the activity internship day, the student involved in CCT is required to record the activities carried out on the appropriate logbook page, taking care to fill in all the fields and to obtain the approval signature of the external tutor. Only the clincial cases in which the student was actively involved should be reported in this form, indicating the name of each patient and briefly indicating the procedure performed.

The student involved in CCT is then required to report the same information on the electronic form accessible at this link. The correspondence between the logbook page and the electronic form will be verified.