Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Veterinary Medicine

Final dissertation and Graduation ceremony

Final dissertation and graduation ceremony shall be held in person.

The schedule with the final dissertation and proclamation dates will be available on Studenti Online,  showing time, venue and members of the Examination Board.

Graduating students have to bring their own laptop to accomplish their exam.

The proclamation and announcement of the final grade will take place immediately after the discussion.

It is allowed a maximum of 10 guests for each candidate.

The graduation ceremony can also be followed remotely via the Teams platform.


Rules of Conduct

When the final examination take place, candidates and guests must comply with the following rules of conduct:

  • Arrive on time at the scheduled venue;
  • Wait for their turn, without causing disruption to any other teaching activities;
  • Do not stand in the indoor area after the proclamation;
  • Celebrations must take place outside avoiding excesses and maintaining a sober and appropriate behaviour;
  • Littering (indoor and outdoor spaces) is strictly forbidden; 
  • In the indoor area  is expressly forbidden consuming food and drinks.


In case of turmoil, the President of the Examination Board is authorised to interrupt the session.