Enrolment and selection criteria, deadlines and instructions to transfer to the degree programme from other Universities or to enrol in years following the first one
The call for application (which you are advised to read carefully) is addressed to those who intend to continue their studies after the first year of the single-cycle master's degree program in Veterinary Medicine.
Please note: Candidates coming from a Degree Course different from Veterinary Medicine can only be admitted to the second year.
For each year, a merit list will be released (applying criteria and scores are detailed in the announcement) to identify the candidates who will be admitted to enrollment based on the number of available places.
To participate to the selection for transfer, candidates must meet the following requirements and must apply from 25/07/2024 at 13:00 to 19/08/2024 at 13:00.
In order to participate to the selections, candidates must have at least 40 CFU that will be approved by the Committee. Of these, there must be at least:
Furthermore candidates are required to have a B1 level of English.
Candidates not meeting the minimum requirements will be excluded from the selection.
Approved CFU are:
Candidates who transfer from other programmes can only enrol to the second year.
Each year the Committee will evaluate applications and will establish the appropriate year of enrolment for each candidate:
Allegato1 - Domanda di partecipazione alla selezione
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Allegato2 - Autocertificazione degli esami sostenuti
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Allegato4 - Dichiarazione sostitutiva atto di notorietà
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