Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Veterinary Medicine

Veterinary Students’ Associations

IVSA (International Veterinary Students’ Association)

It is a non-profit organization created by veterinary students for veterinary students from all around the world. Its goal is to enhance the level of knowledge, education, and veterinary training through the exchange of culture and ideas among students. To achieve this objective, IVSA is committed to organizing extracurricular cultural exchanges between IVSA-affiliated students from different countries and conducting seminars and events aimed at improving the education of veterinary students.

IVSA encourages all students to cooperate and collaborate with each other, maintain a high focus on animal welfare, and use their knowledge for the benefit of both humans and animals.



Facebook: IVSA Bologna

Instagram: ivsabologna

Website: IVSA Bologna


Omnia Universitatis

This association is responsible for coordinating student activities, providing information about academic and extracurricular activities, organizing cultural and sports events, and managing public relations with other student associations.



Facebook: Omnia Universitatis

Instagram: omniauniversitatis