Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Veterinary Medicine

Veterinary Teaching Hospital and other facilities

Veterinary Teaching Hospital

The Veterinary Teaching Hospital is a facility dedicated to the teaching and learning activities of students enrolled in the Veterinary Medicine programme of the University of Bologna as well as for foreign students visiting within international exchange programs (such as Erasmus) or organized by student associations such as IVSA (International Veterinary Students' Association)

Clinical Skills Lab (CSL)  

The CSL is a space dedicated to training and practicing the clinical skills of veterinary practitioners. This lab offers a controlled environment and realistic simulations to develop the hands-on skills needed for diagnosis, treatment and care of animals.

For more information and bookings, please email:


The aims of this facility are for both teaching and research activities, closely related to the institutional activities of the Department

Groups of students perform daily visits to the farm and multiple teaching activities can be carried out simultaneously within multiple courses and areas mainly related to Clinical practice, Obstetrics, Animal breeding, Physiology, Inspection, Infectious diseases, Toxicology and Legislation.


It is a teaching facility that allows to follow all phases of animal slaughtering and of all the control methods for food safety and hygiene

National Institute of Artificial Reproduction (INFA- Istituto Nazionale di Fecondazione Artificiale)

The National Institute of Artificial Reproduction supports the teaching acrivities of the Department of Veterinary Medicine