Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Veterinary Medicine

Professional Practical Training Diseases of Wildlife and Exotic Animals

The Professional Practical Training Diseases of Wildlife and Exotic Animals takes place at the same time as the “Diseases of Wildlife and Exotic Animals course” and constitutes the practical part of the course itself. During the PPT the student will attend seminars, carry out practical exercises and participate in educational visits to Italian zoological collections, dealing with the practical aspects of the veterinary medicine profession in these contexts.


The PPT Diseases of Wildlife and Exotic Animals aims to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Correctly determine the species, sex class and age in mammals and birds;
  2. Possess adequate knowledge of the ecologies of pathogens and the main infectious diseases of wildlife and exotic animals;
  3. Know the main national, European and world regulations on the possession and trade of wildlife;
  4. Hypothesize various differential diagnoses and pathogenesis on the basis of anatomical-pathological pictures;
  5. Know the impact on pathogens in the Anthropocene era. 




Organization of period and typical day



PPT Coordinator: Prof. Mauro Delogu

Telephone: +39 051 20 97078
