Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Veterinary Medicine

Year Student Representatives

Student representatives are students selected by their fellow degree programme students to represent them for that specific academic year.

The Degree Programme Board has defined the requirements of student representatives in detail, which include:

  • collection and documentation of the educational issues coming from the student body and presentation of them to that year’s teacher-coordinator;
  • participation in the meetings organized by the teacher-coordinator.


This year’s student representatives are:

1st year 

Sara Pellegrini (

Ester Tidore (

Sofia Rebucci (

2nd year

Veronica Bacchilega (

Alex Lebbiati (

3rd year

Anastasia Monelli (

Giorgia Virgulti (

4th year

Azzurra Barbieri (

Irene Cucuzza (

5th year

Federica Gadioli (


Niccolò Tonti (

Giulia Tredici (