Guidance for prospective students
For assistance in choosing this Course and preparing for the entrance exams, candidates can make use of our tutor service. This service provides information on the educational goals, the course content and the potential employment that the Course offers, as well as the opportunity to clarify any doubts one may have.
Guidance Services contact:
Orientation Tutor: Clelia Morigi
Telephone: 0543-374570
Office hours: by appointment
Guidance initiatives
The Course actively updates its orientation services by participating in events organized by the University and by holding specific events itself in order to illustrate the characteristics of the Master’s that develop the cultural and professional profiles of a specialized translator and editor:
- consultations on line, by phone or on a one-to-one basis offered by the Teaching Office and the Orientation Tutor;
- events for students of the Bachelor's Degree in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation
in order to promote the Master’s in Specialized Translation;
- promotion events for students of other degrees, including an in-house and live-streamed presentation of the Master’s.
Furthermore, the Course has its own Facebook page that posts a host of information from the Call for Applications to information on scholarships and funding, as well as events and news in the sector.
Orientation for enrolled students
At the beginning of the first academic year, students are collectively invited to meet with the Course Coordinator and the Orientation Tutor. A presentation of the course is held, outlining the curriculum as well as the professional profiles that will be developed throughout the Master’s.
Course lecturers and the Teaching Office staff are always available to help with queries on the curriculum, exams and extra-curricular events pertinent to the course.
There are also tutors on staff that work in close collaboration with the Course Coordinator, the Orientation Tutor and Quality Assurance staff on the promotion of all events and activities of the Master’s by managing the course website and Facebook page.
Guidance for graduating students and graduates
Workshops dedicated to acquiring entrepreneurial skills (planning and organisational skills, soft skills, problem solving, etc.) and events specifically related to the working world, such as "Diventare imprenditori di se stessi", are frequently held.
The Language Toolkit project, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce of Forlì-Cesena, represents yet another opportunity for students to come into contact with the working world. The project sees students carry out internships with local companies and develop a project that will then be pertinent to their final dissertation.
A wealth of employment opportunities are promoted on the Department of Interpretation and Translation’s Internship and Employment Facebook page