Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Specialized translation

Notice board

Call for Applications

Who it's for: Studio al primo anno, Studio dal secondo anno in poi

Bando di concorso per l'attribuzione di n. 4 assegni di tutorato a supporto principalmente delle prove TOLC - Campus di Forlì

Deadline: 28 feb 2025, 12:00

Who it's for: Ho una laurea

Bando di concorso per 1 assegno di tutorato da 160 ore presso la sede di Imola

Deadline: 28 feb 2025, 12:00

Who it's for: Studio al primo anno, Studio dal secondo anno in poi, Ho una laurea

University of Bologna Study Grants for Students from the Gaza Strip Call for Applications

Deadline: 28 feb 2025, 12:00

Check the scholarships, exemptions, incentives, and upcoming calls for applications.


BO.CONNECT: careers and innovation in the Metropolitan Area

Join the events to discover the most in-demand skills in the metropolitan area of Bologna, through insights from the business world, research sector, and Unibo Alumni.

Bando di concorso per l'attribuzione di n. 1 assegno di tutorato a supporto dei corsi di studi di Interpretazione e Traduzione

E' emanato un bando di selezione per titoli ed esami per l’attribuzione di n. 1 assegno di tutorato da 400 ore: scadenza 07 marzo 2025 ore 12:00

Expo 2025 Osaka Internship Program. Deadline: March 10

The selection notice for 24 curricular internships is now online, divided into 2 cycles of 12 internships each, at the General Commissioner for Italian Participation in Expo 2025 Osaka.

Are you an international student thinking about applying to this programme?

Join our Virtual Fair on 26 February for Master's programmes and learn how to make it happen!

Notice of Selection for Italian language assistants abroad for the 2025/26 School Year

The selection is open to graduates with a master's degree under the age of 30. Deadline: 7 March.

Call for applications for CRUI-MAECI internships. Deadline: 27 February

The call for applications for 351 curricular internships at Embassies, Permanent Representations of International Organizations, Consulates, and Italian Cultural Institutes, is now online.

International Talents @Unibo: scholarships for international students

Do you hold an academic qualification from a non-Italian education system and wish to enroll in second-cycle degree programmes? Until 30 May, applications are open for 30 new scholarships.

Services and benefits for students in difficult situations

If you study at Unibo and are experiencing personal, family or financial hardship, by 4 March you can participate in the 2024/25 call for applications in collaboration with ER.GO.

Tuition fee reduction for undergraduates with specific requirements who only have to sit the final examination

If you have been enrolled for a number of years exceeding the normal course duration plus one and you only have to sit the final examination, your tuition fees may be reduced. Deadline: 18 March.

What is the housing condition of students? Help us understand by filling out the questionnaire

Housing is a growing obstacle to education. The survey will help understand it, engage stakeholders, and push for concrete solutions.

What is the housing condition of students? Help us understand by filling out the questionnaire

Housing is a growing obstacle to education. The survey will help understand it, engage stakeholders, and push for concrete solutions.

International Talents @Unibo: scholarships for international students a.y. 2025/26

The University of Bologna offers 30 new scholarships to deserving international students who intend to enrol in second cycle degree programmes in a.y. 2025/26.

Bulletin board

Look here for up-to-date information on the Course, timetable changes, exam results etc. Receive notifications on your mobile phone with our App.


25 Feb

Scambio con l'Università di Kobe (a.a. 2025/26)

12:30 - 13:00

Lab 11 del DIT.Lab, via Bartolomeo Lombardini 5, Forlì - In presence event

Incontro informativo

26 Feb

PhD programmes: pathways, tools, and opportunities

10:30 - 11:30

Ms Teams - Online

The online event to explore this opportunity to enhance your education and embark on a research journey. Th event will be held in Italian.

26 Feb

If you haven't done it yet, register now to our Virtual Fair-Master's programmes! The event preview opens today

10:00 - 17:00

Ms Teams - Online

You can start visiting the virtual stands and check the programme of the events you are interested in.

25 Feb26 Feb

Discover our degree programmes during the Virtual Fairs 2025

Online - Online

The annual online events to discover all degree programmes offered by the University of Bologna.

17 Mar20 Mar

Seminari in inglese del prof. K. Fordonski (Università di Varsavia)

Aula 10 e Aula 2 TH - In presence event

Un seminario di avvicinamento alla figura di E.M. Forster, e un reading group meeting sul racconto "The Machine Stops"

12 May13 May

What's research got to do with it? Ultime frontiere della ricerca linguistica, inclusione e impatto sociale

Aula 10 del Teaching Hub, viale Filippo Corridoni 20, Forlì - In presence event

Convegno dottorale organizzato dal corso di Traduzione, Interpretazione ed Interculturalità per giovani ricercatrici e ricercatori.

Orientation events

At the moment there are no new events