Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Specialized translation

Notice board


Student Elections 2025

On 14 and 15 May, you can express your opinion. Vote for your representatives in the University Governing Bodies and the National Council of University Students. Find out how, when, and where to vote.

Transferable skills: key tools for education and work

From information literacy to public engagement, from neuroscience to ecological transition, from communication to intellectual property, up to employability skills: enrol by 25 March.

Are you ready to join the Student Ambassadors programme?

The Student Ambassadors Programme is accepting applications until 4 April. Engage with fellow international students, gain a deeper understanding of the University, and improve your soft skills.

Applications open for the CAF TECH FORWARD

Join the 16-week Post-graduate vocational training programme to explore advanced technologies, create innovative solutions, and engage with IdeaSquare at CERN. Deadline: 17 March.

BO.CONNECT: careers and innovation in the Metropolitan Area

Join the events to discover the most in-demand skills in the metropolitan area of Bologna, through insights from the business world, research sector, and Unibo Alumni.

International Talents @Unibo: scholarships for international students

Do you hold an academic qualification from a non-Italian education system and wish to enroll in second-cycle degree programmes? Until 30 May, applications are open for 30 new scholarships.

Tuition fee reduction for undergraduates with specific requirements who only have to sit the final examination

If you have been enrolled for a number of years exceeding the normal course duration plus one and you only have to sit the final examination, your tuition fees may be reduced. Deadline: 18 March.

International Talents @Unibo: scholarships for international students a.y. 2025/26

The University of Bologna offers 30 new scholarships to deserving international students who intend to enrol in second cycle degree programmes in a.y. 2025/26.

Bulletin board

Look here for up-to-date information on the Course, timetable changes, exam results etc. Receive notifications on your mobile phone with our App.


17 Mar20 Mar

Seminari in inglese del prof. K. Fordonski (Università di Varsavia)

Aula 10 e Aula 2 TH - In presence event

Un seminario di avvicinamento alla figura di E.M. Forster, e un reading group meeting sul racconto "The Machine Stops"

27 Mar

Il mondo meraviglioso dei Ballets Russes di Djagilev

13:30 - 15:00

Aula 10 del Teaching Hub, viale Filippo Corridoni 20, Forlì - In presence event

La conferenza sull’epopea dei Balleti Russi, la famosa compagnia di danza classica fondata dall'impresario russo Sergej Djagilev che ha segnato la cultura coreografica del Novecento

11 Mar29 Apr

Deutscher Kinoclub im DIT - Der scharfe Blick der Doris Dörrie // Cineclub tedesco al DIT - Lo sguardo sagace di Doris Dörrie

Aula 17 del Teaching Hub, viale Filippo Corridoni 20, Forlì - In presence event

Ein buntes Portrait der deutschen Gesellschaft - Un brioso ritratto della società tedesca

12 May13 May

What's research got to do with it? Ultime frontiere della ricerca linguistica, inclusione e impatto sociale

Aula 10 del Teaching Hub, viale Filippo Corridoni 20, Forlì - In presence event

Convegno dottorale organizzato dal corso di Traduzione, Interpretazione ed Interculturalità per giovani ricercatrici e ricercatori.

Orientation events

At the moment there are no new events