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Borse di studio Google per studentesse e per studenti disabili

Pubblicato il 22 ottobre 2014

Google offre borse di studio per incoraggiare la diversità in Computer Science.

Sono al momento aperte le seguenti opportunità:

Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship: Europe, Middle East and Africa

  • Scholarships for female Bachelor's, Mater's and PhD students studying Computer Science or a closely related technical field for the 2015/16 academic year
  • Deadline for applications: February 2, 2015
  • Recipients will receive a 7000 EUR Scholarship and have the opportunity to attend a networking retreat in summer 2015.

Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities

  • Scholarships for Bachelor's, Master's or PhD students with a disability studying Computer Science or a closely related technical field for the 2015/16 academic year
  • Deadline for applications: January 1, 2015
  • Recipients will receive a 7000 EUR Scholarship.