Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Economics and econometrics

Economics and econometrics

  • Programme type Laurea Magistrale (Second cycle degree/Two year Master - 120 ECTS)
  • Place of teaching Bologna
  • Language English
  • Type of access Open access with assessment of personal competencies
  • Degree Programme Class LM-56 - Economics
  • Degree Programme Director Francesca Barigozzi
  • Department Economics - DSE
  • Learning activities Course structure diagram

Notice Board

Career guidance events

In October, take part in the meetings: Unibo Alumni will share their stories to guide you in discovering the world of work and inspire you in building your career path.

TPER subsidies: annual passes at a further reduced fare with the Alma Mater call for applications. Deadline 31 October.

Participate in the call for applications to purchase an annual public transportation pass for the Bologna area with a €100 discount off the reduced fare.

0n 27 September, join us at the European Researchers' Night

European Researchers' Night in Bologna and in Romagna Campuses will be enlivened by experiments, demonstrations, meetings, exhibitions, and much more. Be inspired by the magic of science!

Are you thinking of applying for the flexible study path?

If you have any questions or concerns, join the online sessions organized to present the program and clarify its features.

Lifelong learning programme for Job placement Counselor: join the online open day

The programme trains recent graduates who intend to enter employment services, professionals and practitioners involved in job placement. Open Day: October 2, MS Teams.

Call for applications for CRUI-MAECI internships. Deadline: 7 October

The call for applications for 336 curricular internships at Embassies, Permanent Representations of International Organizations, Consulates, and Italian Cultural Institutes, is now online.

from 28 Aug to 27 Sep 2024

Waiting for European Researchers' Night: guided tours and AperiScienza

In the run-up to the night dedicated to research, the city comes alive with numerous initiatives to promote science and culture.