Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Forlì First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Aerospace engineering

Aerospace engineering

  • Programme type Laurea (First cycle degree/Bachelor - 180 ECTS)
  • Place of teaching Forlì
  • Language Italian
  • Type of access Restricted access - entrance exam - TOLC-I
  • Degree Programme Class L-9 - Industrial engineering
  • Degree Programme Director Enrico Troiani
  • Learning activities Course structure diagram

Programme aims

The degree programme in Aerospace Engineering sets out to train professionals with methodological and operative knowledge of basic research and industrial engineering science, in particular in the aeronautics and aerospace area. Aerospace Engineers are envisaged by ISTAT, National Institute for Statistics, (, and have unique specific competencies compared to other industrial engineering graduates. In particular, graduates have the knowledge required to undertake professional activities in a number of areas, including planning, producing, managing and organising activities, assisting… Read more

Admission requirements

Admission to the degree programme in Aerospace Engineering requires possession of a secondary school diploma awarded after five years of study or a foreign qualification recognised as suitable. Additionally, it requires a good knowledge of the Italian language, both oral and written, logical reasoning abilities, knowledge and ability to apply the basics of mathematics, physics and experimental sciences. The methods for testing the knowledge required for admission are defined in the point on method of admission. If the results of the test are not positive, additional learning… Read more