This degree programme prepares graduates towork as experts in animal husbandry, the genetic improvement of farm animals,animal nutrition and feeding, with particular reference to the qualitativecharacteristics of production, such as rationing, technologies for the raisingof animals and animal well-being. The degree programme provides concepts formanaging the technical, health and economic aspects of animal husbandrybusinesses; technical-professional skills for raising farm and ornamentalanimals and pets; skills regarding the genetic and nutritional aspects ofraising farm and ornamental animals, animals used in sporting activities andpets. Graduates are able to operate and manage stables, as well as take care ofthe health and qualitative aspects of animal husbandry; they are able to planat business level the management of reproduction and apply AI techniques,except in relation to horses; they possess the tools required for planning,monitoring, supporting and verifying the quality of animal products and thosederived from processing; they are able to assess the suitability, in productionand functional terms, of farm animals and fauna, and apply the resultingparameters in order to make business decisions.
The teaching structure of the degreeprogramme, which involves lectures, case studies and internships, is founded onfive different macroareas of learning:
Admission to the degree programme in AnimalProduction requires possession of a five-year secondary school diploma or aforeign diploma recognised as suitable, as well as adequate knowledge of andbasic skills in the disciplines addressed by the University studies.
The knowledge required for admission andthe methods of verification are set out in the teaching regulation for thedegree programme.
If the results of the test are notpositive, additional learning requirements will be specified.
Completion of the learning requirements isthe subject of a separate test.
The relevant testing method is also set outin the teaching regulation for the degree programme.
Students who do not complete the additionallearning requirements by the date established by the competent bodies and, inany case, by the end of the first year of the degree programme, will berequired to repeat their enrolment for that year.
See the degree programme regulations forfurther details.