First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Building Construction Engineering

Notice board

Call for Applications

Who it's for: Studio al primo anno, Studio dal secondo anno in poi

Bando Erasmus+ mobilità per tirocinio a.a. 2025/26

Deadline: 13 mag 2025, 13:00

Check the scholarships, exemptions, incentives, and upcoming calls for applications.


European University Basketball Championships 2025

Join the Basket Heroes volunteer team and be a key player in the championships taking place place in Bologna from 6 to 13 July. Apply online!

Survey on the well-being of students

Together with the Universities of Padua, Florence, Catania, and Chieti-Pescara, we have launched a survey on psychological well-being among the student population. Participate in the survey by 31 May.

Become a student community representative. Apply by 7 April

On 14 and 15 May, students will vote to elect their representatives to the University Governing Bodies. Step up and become the spokesperson for the needs and projects of our student community.

Bando STEM per studentesse residenti a Ravenna

Legacoop Romagna mette a disposizione tre borse di studio del valore di 1.500 euro ciascuna per tre studentesse iscritte a corsi di laurea in ambito STEM. Scadenza: 28 aprile, ore 12.00

Student Elections 2025

On 14 and 15 May, you can express your opinion. Vote for your representatives in the University Governing Bodies and the National Council of University Students. Find out how, when, and where to vote.

Admissions to a.y. 2025/26 are now OPEN!

Check requirements, deadlines and procedures for admission to a.y. 2025/26

Workshops on study methods and OrientaLab

Participate in the meetings, online or in person at the 5 Campuses, where interactive workshops will be done on topics related to the university experience. Check the full calendar and sign up.

Are you ready to join the Student Ambassadors programme?

The Student Ambassadors Programme is accepting applications until 4 April. Engage with fellow international students, gain a deeper understanding of the University, and improve your soft skills.

Call for application International Talents @unibo

Scholarships for international students a.y. 2025/26 who are intended to o enrol in second cycle degree programmes in a.y. 2025/26.


02 Apr

Call for Players

All day


Join the event to discover the entrepreneurial projects selected by "Call for Startup 2024/25," engage with their creators, and become part of an entrepreneurial team.

08 Apr

Career Day - Job networking event

All day

Padiglione 33 di BolognaFiere - Bologna

Meet companies and test your approach to the job market. Sign up now!

10 Apr

Jornada de Puertas Abiertas Virtual

21:30 - 23:00


¿Eres un estudiante latino-americano y te interesa estudiar en Italia? El 10 de abril, descubre lo que significa estudiar y vivir en Unibo. Inscríbete y participa