First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Building Construction Engineering

Programme aims

The degreeprogramme in Building Construction Engineering aims to provide students withsolid training, complying with the highest European and international standards,in the methodological aspects of basic building science and techniques, as wellas analytical skills used to perform professional activities, also working onthe design and management of buildings, structures, systems and technologicalcomponents.
The learning outcomes areachieved through a learning path in which students acquire a command of themethodological and operational aspects of the subjects traditionally characterising the training of building engineersworking as designers and managers of the design, production and use ofbuildings and infrastructures.
The curriculum assures a solid grounding in the basics of mathematics and physics, geology, chemistry, thetechnology of materials, design and history of architecture.
Subsequently the students willtackle core practical subjects, constantly applying the methods and techniquesof civil engineering and architecture traditions to their studies. Thecurriculum then develops construction science and technique, geotechnics,hydraulics, technical physics and plants, topography and geomathematics: thesesubjects are fundamental for acquiring the design and managerial skillscharacterising civil and construction engineering.
At the same time, the studentsstudy technical architecture, surveying, architectural composition and townplanning techniques, to acquire skills in the analysis and design of buildingsand the urban fabric. Finally, the curriculum includes the study ofconstruction site organisation, providing students with the tools for site designand safety applied to various phases of the building process.
Following the proposedcurriculum, the students develop skills in the design, recovery and managementof buildings, works and urban spaces, for both new and existing constructions.
Design workshops are a key partof the degree programme and are indispensable not only in order to verify theknowledge acquired, but also in order to promote, as in most Europeancountries, an integrated education, open to dialogue with specialists in thevarious sectors involved in the construction and building or energyre-qualification of buildings and real estate.