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What international students should know

Who are international students?

First and foremost find out what your status is:

Where to start?

For general information about how to prepare for enrollment visit the page: 

International students with EU citizenship

EU international students enrolling in BCE degree programme who will be staying in Italy for more than 3 months on a non-temporary basis need to register with the Registry office (Anagrafe) in the city they live and study in: Ravenna. No other formalities are required at present.

International students with non-EU citizenship

If you are a Non-EU international student residing outside of Italy and you wish to enrol BCE programme  you need to contact without delay the Italian Embassy or Consulate in your home country and apply to the Pre-enrolment procedure for the given academic year.

Pre-enrolment for students with non-EU citizenship

If you are a non EU citizen living outside Italy, in addition to compliance with the rules and deadlines established by the University of Bologna, you must pre-enrol online via the Universitaly portal.

The pre-enrolment application will be verified by the University of Bologna and forwarded to the Embassy / Consulate you have specified.


  • Be aware that pre-enrolment alone does not grant admission to degree programmes. In order to matriculate you also need to satisfy the requirements outlined in the Admission Notice.
  • If you do not satisfy the requirements, your pre-enrollment application will be rejected.
  • Entry visa for tourism cannot be used to enrol at the university or to obtain a residence permit for study purposes.

Key information links: