Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Ravenna First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Legal consultant in business and public administration

Legal consultant in business and public administration

  • Programme type Laurea (First cycle degree/Bachelor - 180 ECTS)
  • Place of teaching Ravenna
  • Language Italian
  • Type of access Open access - TOLC-SU
  • Degree Programme Class L-14 - Legal services
  • Degree Programme Director Caterina Drigo
  • Department Legal Studies - DSG
  • Learning activities Course structure diagrams

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Alma Orienta Online

2 and 3 March 2021

Register to take part in the Orientation Days! You will see the presentations, hear from enrolled students, discover the facilities and services offered by the University, and maybe even attend a lecture.

On 1 March you will have pre-access to visit the stands, see the full schedule of events, and plan your visit based on your specific interests. 

We will be there. We look forward to seeing you!

Programme aims

The purpose of this degree programme for Legal Consultants in business and public administration is to give graduates a solid legal-cultural foundation, equipping them to understand future regulatory changes with specific knowledge of the main legal sectors. In particular, graduates have a basic knowledge of macro and micro economics, enabling them to understand the structure of markets and their players. They also have competence in the areas of employment and trade union law, as well as welfare, social security and pension law. Additionally, graduates have a knowledge of how public… Read more

Admission requirements

Admission to the degree programme in Legal Consultants in business and public administration, requires possession of a secondary school diploma awarded after five years of study or a foreign qualification recognised as suitable. Additionally, knowledge and competence in the following areas are required: - Good general education- Logic and reasoning abilities- Ability to understand and interpret texts and documents (in Italian)- Knowledge of basic legal concepts- Knowledge of a European Union language at A2 level as a minimumThe methods for verifying the knowledge required for admission are… Read more