Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Drama, Art and Music Studies

Drama, Art and Music Studies

  • Programme type Laurea (First cycle degree/Bachelor - 180 ECTS)
  • Place of teaching Bologna
  • Language Italian
  • Type of access Restricted access - entrance exam - TOLC-SU
  • Degree Programme Class L-3 - Visual arts, music, performing arts and fashion studies
  • Degree Programme Director Paolo Noto
  • Department Arts - DARvipem
  • Learning activities Course structure diagram

Programme aims

The DAMS degree programme offers basic training in visual, musical and performing arts. At the end of the programme, students possess historical, critical and analytical competencies that allow them to work in the indicated disciplinary fields, understanding and managing the languages within cultural production and organisation contexts. They are also able to communicate, fully responding to the contexts and interlocutors, in oral and written form, in Italian and at least one other European Union language (to at least level B1), and use IT tools for collecting and sharing information. The… Read more

Admission requirements

Admission to the degree programme in DAMS – Drama, Art and Music Studies is subject to the possession of either a five-year high secondary school diploma or other suitable qualification obtained abroad. Additionally, knowledge and competence in the following areas are required: – strong competencies in the comprehension and analysis of texts in the Italian language; – good general knowledge; – strong logical reasoning skills; – one European language (French, English, Spanish, German) to CEFT level A2. The methods for verifying the knowledge and competencies required for admission are… Read more