The curricular internship is a training experience, included in the study plan of the degree programme, aimed at completing academic education through practical experiences.
A curricular internship is an experience intended to complete your University education by carrying out practical work in structures within or outside the University consistent with your course of study, in Italy or abroad, and to obtain the credits expected for your course of study.
At EPOS, you can include one internship to your study plan (among your electives) to acquire 10 credits (CFU) for 250 hours.
Please note that, if you add the internship to your study plan but later find yourself unable to pursue it, it is possible to replace it with another elective activity, as long as you modify your study plan within the period indicated.
The internship is an option for students and not a requirement. At EPOS, you can select one 250-hours internship among your electives by placing it in your study plan, which will count for 10 Cfu.
In case you intend to carry it out, it's mandatory to put it in your online study plan. Please, read the information on how to fill in and edit the study plan .
The internship can take place from around May of your second year and/or during the third year. The internship is an option that you may or may not do. The Internship Office is available to provide information, guidance on choosing and contacting companies as well as career guidance and CV reviewing.
Internship experiences considered not in line with subjects and goals of EPOS will not earn you credits. The following are possible options for your internship:
- National and European regulatory authorities;
- International organizations;
- EU administrations (Parliament, Political and financial institutions);
- Private businesses
- National, regional or local public administrations;
- Private companies and public institutions within or outside the University of Bologna, in Italy or abroad.
As a general criterion, please focus on firms or organizations that may later be interested in hiring staff with skills that would come from an EPOS degree. Choosing a suitable firm or organization is not enough, you should also make sure that the tasks you will be performing are in line with the goals of EPOS.
Exceptions are also possible, for instance for the Project BLESS, an internship opportunity at the Department of Economics (download document on the right).
If you are interested in carrying out your curricular internship, please put together, as soon as possible, your internship proposal where you precisely identify the organization, the expected period of the internship, the activities you will be likely doing and the expected skills that you will acquire and send via mail your internship project to professor Raggi.
You can apply when you submit your study plan. The internship should begin after you have placed it into your study plan. You can set up your internship from the end of the second semester of the second year (during the Summer) and/or during the third year.
Your internship is an option that you may or may not do, it is an opportunity for you to learn, grow, and contribute in a professional setting.
For information on technical and administrative matters: Internship Office (
Internship Tutor: Prof. ssa Meri Raggi
Please, contact the professor after you have clarified all administrative issues with the Internship Office, and with your internship proposal drafted as indicated above.
First, prepare an effective CV and a cover letter. If you need help, you can refer to the Job Placement services: Preparing for the world of work — Job Placement English Version
To set up your curricular internship, you have to log into SOL-Internships where you can:
If you want to carry out your internship in a company that has not yet signed an agreement, send the organization the instructions to register on our internship platform and provide the internship office with the name of the company/organization and the name of the person you are in contact with.
After the company has accepted your application (for an offer or a spontaneous application), you receive an email with the instructions to complete the activation procedure that will follow these steps: validation by the internship office, approval by the internship commission/academic tutor, signature of the program and printing of the attendance sheet.
NB: Only once the program is signed by you and the company, you are allowed to download the attendance register from SOL - Internships in which you will find the definitive period of authorized performance and start the internship.
NB: Before starting the internship, you have to complete the Health and Safety Training Courses (Module 1 and Module 2).
If you have already a safety certification - Module 1 - obtained outside of the University, you must verify its validity by writing to: Once obtained the confirmation of its validity, please send the confirmation mail and your safety certification to the Internship Office. The safety certification - Module 2 - must necessarily be obtained by the University of Bologna.
In agreement with your Internship Academic Tutor and with the reference person of the chosen University structure or lab, then send an application via SOL-Internships:
Please, remember that:
You can carry out your internship outside of Italy following one of the two possibilities listed below:
If you have completed an external activity (a non-curricular internship, a placement, etc.) that you think is relevant to your study field, you can ask for its recognition as a curricular internship. Check the information on how to submit your request in the related page.
In the following order:
How can we help you: Activate and manage a curricular internship or one for the preparation for the final dissertation, in Italy and abroad, outside of international mobility programmes.
Phone +39 051 2084030 Orario telefonico Monday 10 am-12 pm Tuesday 10 am-12 pm Thursday 10 am-12 pm Friday 10 am-12 pm
Address Via Filippo Re 8 - 40126 Bologna BO Orario apertura al pubblico
Other information Schedule via email an online appointment.
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