Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Genomics

Programme enrolment: requirements, deadlines and methods

General information on admission requirements
To access Genomics students must possess an Italian High School Diploma or an equivalent foreign qualification. Moreover, the following… Read more

Call for application

2024/2025 Extraordinary Intake - September 2024

The Extraordinary Intake is open and there are 19 positions available. Check the exact calendar and the modalities to register set out in the Call for Applications. 

Selections to access the degree programme 

There are two selections for calls for applications with the TOLC test for Genomics in 2024-25 academic year:  

  • First selection: May 2024, addressed to non-EU candidates living outside of Italy (12 positions) and to Italian, EU and EU-assimilated candidates (24 positions) - access through English TOLC-I + English Language Certificate.
  • Second selection: July 2024, addressed to Italian, EU and EU-assimilated candidates (24 positions + positions not covered in the first selection - access through TOLC-I in Italian + English Language Certificate.

For the exact schedule, read the Call for Applications carefully. Should any positions be left available from the First Selection, they will be assigned to the Second Selection.

In case there are still some positions available after the ordinary selections, an extraordinary selection will be activated in September 2024.

You can sit the TOLC multiple times for each selection – the most recent one will be the valid one. 


After the ranking lists are published: 

  • If you passed, enrol within the deadline set in the call for applications;
  • If you did not pass, but you are eligible, let us know that you wish to resit the test.


Non-EU students resident abroad may only participate in the first selection .  

Read the call for applications carefully. 

If you have a foreign qualification read the specific information before continuing.

If you are a non-EU citizen resident abroad read the specific information prepared for you.

This is a restricted access degree programme that requires the English TOLC-I/TOLC-I in Italian test as entrance exam: besides, this is used also as a check of basic knowledge to identify any weaknesses in your basic preparation, so that remedial activities can be arranged that will help you to complete the curriculum successfully. Moreover, you should have a B2 English Language knowledge, certified by one of the International Certificates accepted: more information in the Call for Applications.

Read the call for applications carefully to understand the procedures and find out about the deadlines for registering to enroll in the degree programme.

The test:

  • is compulsory and must be taken prior to matriculation: you cannot enroll if you have not taken the test;
  • is selective: if you are assigned a place, you can still enroll even if you fail to achieve the minimum score required for the degree programme, but you will be assigned an Additional Learning Requirement. More information in the Call for Applications.

English TOLC-I & TOLC-I in Italian

The Cisia On-line Test (TOLC) is an orientation tool used to assess your initial abilities. 

This individual test, different for each participant, comprises questions that are selected automatically, at random, from the CISIA TOLC database by software developed and administered by CISIA - Consorzio Interuniversitario Sistemi Integrati per l'Accesso (Consortium of Inter-University Integrated Access Systems).

Each TOLC test is delivered using computers in various locations identified by the participating Universities and is valid for any degree programme requiring that type of TOLC: accordingly, it is not necessary to sit the test at the specific University that offers your chosen degree programme. 

You must register for the TOLC on-line via the CISIA website and pay a fee of €30.

To take the TOLC test you need to register in advance for the date selected on the basis of the deadlines set by CISIA.

For the 2024/2025 selections, TOLCs are valid if sat on or after 1 January 2023.

The following tests are valid for academic year 2024/2025:

- TOLC tests held in person (TOLC@UNI) during 2023

- TOLC tests held in person (TOLC@UNI) during 2024

- TOLC@casa tests held during 2023

- TOLC@casa tests held during 2024 only for the "contingente" non-EU students with residency abroad (find out which "contingente" you belong to)

TOLC tests can be taken at any university, even a different one from the one you want to enrol at. 

English TOLC-I/TOLC-I in Italian: 50 questions (20 on mathematics,10 on logic, 10 on science, 10 on verbal comprehension) with a duration of 1 hour 50 minutes;

After taking the TOLC you will be able to view and print the result from your profile on the CISIA website.

If you participate in the selection via English TOLC-I/TOLC-I in Italian you also need to submit one of the accepted English Language B2 Level Certificate, according to the modalities foreseen in the Call for Applications.

The selection

After sitting the English TOLC-I/TOLC-I in Italian test, you can register to the selection to enter the rankings list.

N.B.: taking the English TOLC-I/TOLC-I in Italian test does not correspond to registration for the selection. You must register accordingly to the rules explained in the Call for Applications. Read the call for applications carefully and follow the instructions on how to register for the selection.

You must register for the selection via Studenti Online and pay the fee of €20.

You can register for the selection before the TOLC test, but there are deadlines to be respected in order for the University of Bologna to get your results. Please check the call for applications carefully in order not to miss any important date!

The selection does not consist of further tests but only in entering the list of merit based on the score obtained in the TOLC, assessed according to the criteria included in the call for applications.

Wait for the lists to be published in your personal profile on Studenti online.

If the score you obtain in the test – shown in the English TOLC-I/TOLC-I in Italian certificate that you will be able to see in your profile on the CISIA website – is below the required level, you will be assigned an Additional Learning Requirement (OFA). More info in the call for applications.

If your ranking entitles you to a place: 

- you can enroll in the course, in compliance with procedures and deadlines specified by the call, through Studenti online. If you fail to enroll before the deadline you lose your place.

If your ranking does not entitle you to a place, or if you fail to enroll before deadlines specified in the call:

- you can apply for the next selection of the same course (if applicable) without having to retake the English TOLC-I/TOLC-I in Italian or having to pay the fee again (but pay attention on the application modalities for each selection);  

- you may indicate your interest in any open positions by clicking on the relevant button on Studenti Online and waiting for the outcome.

If after the recovery procedures you still are not entitled to a place:  

- you cannot enroll in the course unless there are still places available and the extraordinary selection is organized. In such cases, you are invited to read carefully the terms specified in the call.

Students with special needs and SLD may request test adaptations. See the information available on the website of the Services for students with special needs and SLD.

If you have special needs and wish to extend your study period, you may opt for the flexible curriculum and submit your application after enrolling.

Criteria for the admission to the 2nd and 3rd Year

Candidates holding a previous Degree or a previous University Career that want to transfer their credits may be admitted to the 1st, 2nd or 3rd year, according to the number of credits recognized:

-       from 0 to 54 CFU (credits): First Year;

-       from 55 to 90 CFU (credits): Second Year;

-       at least 91 CFU (credits): Third Year.

Credits are recognized only if units were taught and assessed in English.

Tuition Fee Amounts

Tuition fees are calculated based on the 2024 ISEE value with special subsidies in relation to the right to higher education. First year students with an ISEE of less than or equal to € 27,000. Above this limit, tuition fees are calculated progressively.

The ISEE value must be submitted, even if you have not enrolled in the Degree Programme, by 30 October 2024, at 6:00pm (or by 15 November 2024, at 6:00pm, paying a 100 € penalty) accessing ER-GO Online Services, alternatively you will have to pay the full amount.

If you are an international student, verify how your tuition fees will be calculated according to your country of origin and the country where your family has income and assets.

Read all information about tuition fees and exemptions.


After you have checked that all the admission requirements have been met, you can enrol on  Studenti Online:

  1. fill in the application for matriculation with the required information and attach a passport photo in digital format;
  2. pay the first instalment of your tuition fees;
  3. follow the instructions to complete the procedure which you will find on Studenti Online according to your profile.