The 1st cycle degree programme inInternational Development and Cooperation is a basic programme covering thetopics of economic, political, institutional and social development. Thespecific objectives of the programme are to acquire essential competences forunderstanding the dominant features of local and global development, long-termgrowth in different local, national and international systems, in order toassess the relationship between areas with different levels of well-being andadopt policy measures to foster development.
The programme approach is based on aninterdisciplinary curriculum inspired by sustainable development, i.e. the ideathat the production of goods and services must meet certain human, social andpolitical requirements. The programme covers economic, historical, legal,politological, statistical and sociological fields, aiming to promotecomparative qualitative and quantitative analysis of the structural and sectorial problems affecting local systems in the Mediterraneanbasin, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe and the EuropeanUnion.
The programme therefore focuses on theimportance of local cultures, dynamics and processes and autonomousdevelopment, studying original and innovative contributions to the debate ondevelopment cooperation policies in different areas. On this basis, theinterdisciplinary nature of the programme is a fundamental pillar in theidentification of a wide range of elective and integrative learning activities.Elective course units are available in the most important fields of study forthis degree profile, in economics, statistics, law, politology, sociology,history and linguistics. Students can therefore adapt the curriculum to suittheir chosen profile through targeted groups of course units. The programmealso covers research methodologies, investigating the new and complexinteractions between international and domestic dynamics in each context.Meeting the training needs highlighted by international, national and regionalagencies, non-governmental organisations, public and private enterprisesoperating in agricultural, industrial and services fields nationally andtransnationally, students may also attend educational workshops analysing,discussing and negotiating intervention methods and knowledge.
Applicants to the degree programme in International Development and Cooperation shall hold a five-year secondary school diploma or equivalent suitable qualification obtained abroad, or a four-year secondary school diploma and diploma for the relative supplementary year, or, where no longer active, will be assigned additional learning requirements. Applicants to the degree programme in International Development and Cooperation must meet the following requirements:
- Sound knowledge of the Italian language,
- strong logical and mathematical skills.
English language skills must also correspond to at least level A2 of the European reference framework.
Additional learning requirements and assessment
The above requirements will be assessed according to the methods, criteria and procedures established by the School and published annually on the University portal. Additional learning requirements will be assigned to applicants who do not pass the entrance exam or who are graded with an initial linguistic deficit, in the methods laid down by the School and published annually on the University portal.
The degree programme has restricted access at local level, according to the available resources. The number of places and selection methods are published annually in the relative call for applications.