First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in International relations and diplomatic affairs

Curriculum Diplomatic international Sciences: students enrolled a.y. 2021/22

First Year

compulsory courses

All courses have 60 hours lectures, except for Advanced English (40 hours lectures and 40 hours laboratory )
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024 2: 17/02/2025 - 30/05/2025 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
97273 Advanced English and Laboratory - Not available for the year  2024/2025 1 L-LIN/12 8
96819 Comparative Legal Systems - Not available for the year  2024/2025 1 B IUS/21 10
96820 History of Political Thought - Not available for the year  2024/2025 2 A SPS/02 10
96823 International History in the Contemporary Era - Not available for the year  2024/2025 2 B SPS/06 10
96821 Microeconomics - Not available for the year  2024/2025 2 A SECS-P/01 10
96822 Sociology of Culture - Not available for the year  2024/2025 2 B SPS/08 10

Second Year

Compulsory courses

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024 2: 17/02/2025 - 30/05/2025 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
96834 North-South Relations in International History - Not available for the year  2024/2025 1 C SPS/13 10
96844 Statistics - Not available for the year  2024/2025 1 A SECS-S/01 10
96835 Macroeconomics - Not available for the year  2024/2025 2 B SECS-P/01 10
96836 Political Science - Not available for the year  2024/2025 2 A SPS/04 10
84520 Public International Law - Not available for the year  2024/2025 2 B IUS/13 10

Group 1: Group of choice in language (8 CFU)

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024 2: 17/02/2025 - 30/05/2025 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
88071 French Language I And Laboratory - Not available for the year  2024/2025 2 C L-LIN/04 8
88072 German Language I And Laboratory - Not available for the year  2024/2025 2 C L-LIN/14 8
88073 Russian Language I And Laboratory - Not available for the year  2024/2025 2 C L-LIN/21 8
88074 Spanish Language I And Laboratory - Not available for the year  2024/2025 2 C L-LIN/07 8

Group 2: group of choice in Laboratory (4 CFU)

Each workshop has 20 hours lessons, 35 students as maximum and attendance is compulsory.
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024 2: 17/02/2025 - 30/05/2025 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
cfu ? Credits
84521 Workshop On Diplomatic Documents Reading - Not available for the year  2024/2025 1 F 4
84524 Workshop On Social Research Methodologies - Not available for the year  2024/2025 1 F 4
84522 Workshop on Academic Writing - Not available for the year  2024/2025 1 F 4
94476 Workshop On Academic Reading - Not available for the year  2024/2025 2 F 4
84523 Workshop On Public Speaking - Not available for the year  2024/2025 2 F 4
B4386 Workshop on Academic Writing II - Not available for the year  2024/2025 2 F 4
99679 Workshop on Critical Reading - Not available for the year  2024/2025 2 F 4

Third Year

Compulsory activities

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024 2: 17/02/2025 - 30/05/2025 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
60750 Final Examination 1 E 4
25751 International Economics 1 B SECS-P/02 10
84526 International Relations 2 B SPS/04 10

Group 1: Group of choice in Area Studies (10 CFU)

You have to choose a course included in the list
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024 2: 17/02/2025 - 30/05/2025 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
96818 History of Russia 1 C SPS/06 10
96816 International Politics of East Asia 1 C SPS/14 10
83438 History of Eastern Europe 2 C SPS/06 10
78449 History and Institutions of the Modern Middle East 2 C SPS/14 10

Group 2: group of choice in language (6 CFU)

The same language has to be chosen in the second and in the third year
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024 2: 17/02/2025 - 30/05/2025 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
96846 French Language II and Laboratory 1 F L-LIN/04 6
96847 German Language II and Laboratory 1 F L-LIN/14 6
96849 Russian Language II and Laboratory 1 F L-LIN/21 6
96851 Spanish Language II and Laboratory 1 F L-LIN/07 6

Group 3: Group of elective courses

At least 20 cfu
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024 2: 17/02/2025 - 30/05/2025 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
77762 Analysis of Political Language 1 D L-LIN/12 8
B2921 Challenges of Climate Change 1 D
B2925  Africa and Climate Change Governance 1 SPS/13 2
B2923  Economic Development and Climate Change 1 SECS-P/01 4
B2924  Institutions and Policies for Climate Change 1 SPS/04 4
96817 History of European Integration 1 D SPS/06 10
96818 History of Russia 1 D SPS/06 10
23960 History of the United States 1 D SPS/05 10
96816 International Politics of East Asia 1 D SPS/14 10
04871 Italian Political System 1 D SPS/04 10
B2918 Sport and International Politics in Europe 1 D M-STO/04 10
B2927 Civil Society and Globalization 2 D SPS/07 10
B2986 Comparative Sociology of Civilizations 2 D SPS/08 10
32400 EU Law 2 D IUS/14 10
17646 European Union Institutions and Policies 2 D SPS/04 10
83438 History of Eastern Europe 2 D SPS/06 10
09663 History and Institutions of Africa 2 D SPS/13 10
15249 History and Institutions of Latin America 2 D SPS/05 10
78449 History and Institutions of the Modern Middle East 2 D SPS/14 10
29234 International Demography 2 D SECS-S/04 10
B2919 Political Violence and Terrorism 2 D SPS/06 10
78448 Topics In Economic Policy 2 D SECS-P/02 10
Gruppo di scelta - Altre Competenze (max limit 12 CFU)
86684 Arabic Language and Culture I CT1 D L-OR/12 6
86685 Chinese Language and Culture I CT1 D L-OR/21 6
86686 Portughese and Brasilian Language and Culture I CT1 D L-LIN/09 6
86687 Arabic Language and Culture II CT2 D L-OR/12 6
86688 Chinese Language and Culture II CT2 D L-OR/21 6